
Monday 8 November 2021

Julie's Weekend

Julie: So mum came home Friday night and said
we are going away for the weekend.
She said we were going to her sister's house.
There is a cat there called Mindy.
She and her siblings used to blog

 Mindy is 20 years old now and is the only cat there.
I did not visit her as mum kept me in the
bedroom we were using. Mindy does not
blog anymore.

While I like to be with mum, I like to be in my home
best! It was a good weekend, but I am happy to be back 
in my own home.


  1. No matter how great an adventure is it is good to be home.

  2. I think it is nice to have a change of scenery occasionally!

  3. Julie we all agree with you about being home!
    Still we're glad you had a nice weekend.

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving Mom a kind word about the loss of Mr Jinx. He is deeply missed by all of us here.

  4. You know, Julie, you sound just like mom and dad. They'll get all excited for a trip away (when they take one), but they always end up looking forward to returning to their own EVERYTHING.

  5. julie; we hope ewe & mum hada awesum vizit and we hope cuzin mindy iz doin sooooper grate...pleez ta tell her we said HI !!!! N pleez eggz cuze any typoz; we iz havin trubull sneekin round two day... we iz on speed o matic with typin R speech ~~~

  6. I remember Mindy, and also Mike and Moe. It is always good to get back home.

  7. It was nice if your Mum to take you along, even if you didn't get to leave the bedroom!

    #1 remembers Mindy, and she also met Mindy's Mum when she met yours!

    Tama and Benny

  8. I am glad you got to go on a road trip with your mum- at least it wasn't to the vet. XO

  9. There's no place like home sweet Julie. How cool that at least your Mom got to visit with Mindy!

  10. Glad you were able to keep your Mum company while she was visiting...nothing like a nice warm kitty when you come back...good to know you are safely home once more!

  11. That’s quite the disruption for you… hope mom gave you lots of snacks when you got back home…

  12. You look especially sweet today, Ms Julie ~ and oh, we remembers all the kitties from
    Team Tabby (Hi ... Mindy!).
    Paws waving to all.

  13. My mom wishes she could take me over the mountains to see her son! But 5 hours is too much for me. XX

  14. We agree Julie : "East, West, Home is best !"

    We hopped over and looked atMindy's old blog, as we had not known them before.

  15. How nice that Mum took you with her to visit Mindy and her mum (even thought you stayed in the bedroom). Being home is great though, right? Hugs!
