
Thursday 5 May 2022

I Survived The Vet Procedure!

Julie: Well, I had my operation and the lump in my belly is gone.
Mum says people are going to study it too.
I purr they like what they see...I guess.
The Vet also stole a couple of my teeth!
I still have enough to eat though...whew!

 Now that the ordeal is over and I am back home,
I hope I do not have to face anything like that  again!
I like being home!
Thank you for all your purrs and kind thoughts.
They really helped me :)


  1. Julie, we are purring that the test results are good.
    And some teefs were taken...oh noes, poor you.
    Hope you'll feel all better in the blink of an eye.

  2. Sweet Julie...I am SO glad you are home...feeling well and acting normal and not scaring your mommy the way I do mine when I have to go "there". XXXX

  3. julie....sum mor blessingz from st francis cauz he all wayz has plentee ta spare....we hope mum getz a grate ree port bak frum de eeeeevil place ♥♥♥

  4. Sorry the vet stole your teeth. I hope you get a good report back about the lump.

  5. Julie, we're glad you got through the ordeal and are back home and recovering. We're sending purrs for good results regarding the lump! ♥

  6. Julie I'm glad to hear your vet visit is over. I'm purring you receive good news from the results! Purr purr purr

  7. Sorry about your teeth. I am praying the lump was nothing to worry about. Please email me your address to , The Tooth Fairy will send you a gift. XO

  8. We are praying for good results too sweetest Julie, we love you!

  9. Julie, I hope those people like what they see too.

  10. I'm glad you are home, Julie. I hope you get a good report from the vet.

  11. We hope your lump comes out as not being troublesome. You might feel better with those bad teeth gone...and the tooth fairy will send you some great toys !

  12. Glad you’re back home… hope things go well with the tests…

  13. We're so glad you're back home, Julie ! We cross our paws and hope you get a good report. Purrs

  14. We are happy that you're back home, and we sure hope and pawray that all will be well with the test report, later.

  15. We are so relieved that you are home, Julie. We bet you will feel lots better after having those bad teeth removed. We are purring and praying lots that you gte good results back about that lump. Hugs to you and Mum!

  16. Well done, Julie. We're glad you are home! Lots of purrs and hugs!

  17. Good girl ~ now stay well!

  18. Charlee: "Ooh, the vet is never fun! When I have to go there, I howl in the crate the whole way!"
    Chaplin: "We are sending lots of purrs that they see good things in what they stole from you!"
    Lulu: "And I send fluffy tail wags!"
    Java Bean: "What is this 'vet'? Do they have coffee there?"
    Chaplin: "Oh, you'll find out soon enough, new kid ..."
