
Monday 22 August 2022

Adjusting takes a while

Julie: Oops! Sorry for my tongue being out.
It is for mum, not you, my friends!
Mum is always after me to pose and I like to pretend I don't
like to do that. Naturally I want to have my pals
see me.

As you can see, I really like this sofa.
There is a small window just above and the sun shines
on this sofa. Some days it is quite nice and some days it
is hot!

Most of the time it is very comfy and I like it a lot.
When I need peace and quiet, say for a snooze,
I simply go behind the sofa. No one bothers
me then! I get to have a peaceful snooze.

 I am getting better at going downstairs to find mum.
I have just spent so much time alone when mum
was working I am not used to other people being 
around. It takes a while for me to know their manners
and patterns(footsteps, mannerisms)
I am pretty happy though. I love having mum around 
all the time and she likes it too!
Sometimes she goes out and gets me some grass!
I really like that!
Well, enough for now. See you later in  the week.


  1. It's good to have a peaceful place to snooze.

  2. Julie, I just thought you were finishing up a bath in your mom rudely interrupted you with a camera. You know you have a black onesie like I have a gray onesie. It's nice that you've got a special spot with the window so close by because that's the best thing for a kitty looking outside. Precio

  3. You look cute with your tongue out, Julie! ~Ernie

    pee ess...I fixed your comment that you left on my blog yesterday. :)

  4. Changes. They take a long time to get used to. But you are doing well. I'd like to sleep in that sunshine, too.

  5. We love seeing you and your cute tongue sweet Julie. You're doing really good adjusting to such a big change.

  6. Mickey, you look very good sitting on that couch. Nobody could miss you for sure because your dark furs are such a standout. Glad to hear you are gradually acclimating to your new environment. Sounds like a great place that has everything you need, and most of all your beloved Mom.

  7. hoping you will go downstairs more and more often, but happy you have your mum with you!

  8. Sorry, Julie. I called you the wrong name. I was looking at the title of your blog at the time. Hugs & Kisses, Dani😘

  9. Julie, we know you will find your happy place in time, and take your time!
    Humans forget that cats live in 150 dimensions, not just the four or five that they do.
    Plus, there is the communication for the mother ship, and the invisible time portals that must be reestablished.
    Take your time, sweetheart.

  10. Julie, I swear, you look adorable, beautiful and huggable no matter where you are! And that pink tongue WHAT a treat for us, your furriends!!!

    I think the couch will remain your most fave place. Your mom can come u and sit with you. Maybe after a tie you will get up when she does and follow her XXX

  11. You're acclimating on your own terms and timetable. As it should be. I'm glad things are getting better each day/week. You're so cute.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a purrfect day and week. My best to your patient mom. ♥

  12. You have had your life a certain way for a long time and it takes more time to get used to a new way.

  13. Theo often sits in resting position with his tongue out. Glad you two share that in common :)

  14. Since the couch is your new best place...and your Mom is with you a lot, well, maybe you'll get curious about where she goes when she gets up off the couch.

  15. It is nice to have a favorite spot, Julie! It will always be there to go back to whebever you are done exploring. :)

    Yay for Mum bringing you grass from outside!


  16. We came by to wish you a Happy Birthday!

  17. Mee-yow julie you are settlin inn so you look lovelee on YOREsofa ;)
    An yore tongue out Selfie iss ADOORBSS!
    **nose rubss** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  18. When you stick your tongue out, you're probably just practicing your Flehman Response, although there are other possibilities:
