
Monday 21 November 2022

Getting used to missing furs.

Julie: Oh no, you have that camera again!
I'm not ready!

Mum: Julie, you look just fine!

Julie: Really! Even with the furs missing from my leg?
Mum: Yes Julie. Your pals know you had an operation.

It won't take long before your furs grow back.
Maybe we can show a picture of your incision
Julie: Ummmmmmmm, maybe next time.


  1. Don't worry Julie - you still look gorgeous!

  2. Your furs will grow back, quickly, Julie, and you're still as lovely as ever!

  3. Julie, all the rest of your Furs looked absolutely beautifully purrect this morning. I'm sure it was no fun going through all of that horrible operation. We're glad you're back home safe with your mum and looking so beautiful. Precious

  4. You always look most beautiful sweetest Julie!

  5. You're most beautiful Miss Julie. We know that hair will grow back in no time.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a purrfect day and week. My best to your mom. ♥

  6. You look just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! We ALWAYS LOVE YOU!! xoxo

  7. Don't you worry, Julie! We've all had missing furs at one time or another. You look just beautiful even with the missing bits, and they will regrow quickly!

    The Chans

  8. Oh Julie you look beautiful and your black furrs just glow!

  9. I'm glad to see you're feeling well and just need to grow back some furs. Hopefully that won't take too long.

  10. Julie your Mama loves you no matter how you look - and so do we !

  11. You are beautiful Julie with or without furs. XO

  12. Julie, I can so relate! My one leg is nekked because they stole my furs when I was in the hospital. I can’t wait for my furs to grow back. ~Ernie

  13. Your furs or lack of them, cannot change the fact that you are beautiful from the inside, Julie...from where it really counts!

    Soon you won't even know your paw had a naked spot.

  14. we thot yoo we wearing sum uggz to keep yor pawz warmz, berry stylish

  15. Your furs will grow back quickly. In no time that place will be dark again with fine teeny tiny furs growing up out of the shaved place. XXXXX

  16. Julie, you look beautiful, as always. You and Ava (who had a dental recently) are twinsies. She is waiting for her leg furs to grow back, too. Hugs to you and Mum!

  17. The furs will growback before you know it Julie! Kozmo's only took a little while. Purrs Marv

  18. Its OK Julie, yer furs will grow back! Ours allus do.
