
Friday 2 December 2022

Julie says you need to pay the toll to rub the belly!

Julie: As you can see, My belly furs are gone.
That's OK because you don't notice that when I
walk around.
I do, however, like when mum rubs my belly.
She has nice warm hands and it feels good.
I can never have too many belly rubs!

Ok Mum...enough with the pictures!
You need to pay the toll!
Time for a treat!!!!!!

 After the treat, you may continue to rub my belly!!!!!!


  1. We will visit you ta lay on yer cold belly and help warm you up!

  2. We'll give you lots of treats to rub your belly, Julie! ♥

  3. I would like to gently rub that belly too, Julie.

  4. We have to send you belly rubs by way of the magic cat tunnel. We hope you are feeling much better and that growing your furs is a good warm thing. In the meantime we know that your house is warm until that coat is all filled out. Precious

  5. Julie, we hope that your nekkid belly will fur over soon, and we continue to purr for you, sweetheart.

  6. Love Marks Mews saying they'll be over to warm your tummy!

  7. I'm sure you got some treats too. You're so adorable.

    Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥

  8. I would love to rub that tummy. XO

  9. A belly rub toll and a treat toll - the perfect combo!

    The Chans

  10. Hope the belly rubs are plentiful this weekend.

  11. We agree belly rubs are the bestest! You look so beautiful Julie.

  12. You are sure pretty sweet Julie and we would all wait in line to rub that sweet tummy!

  13. We think Santa Claws should get you a sweater to keep that belleh warm between love rubs, Julie!

  14. We'll let petcretary bring along some treats, to pay the toll to rub your little belly till you and her both fall asleep....ahhh...

    Hugs to you and your Mum.

  15. What happened to the stomach fur?

    A vet's trip, perhaps.

    Black cats, you are beautiful.

  16. we would gladly pay the toll to rub your belly, sweet Julie. Hugs to you and Mum!

  17. Oh yes, you certainly deserve treats for doing so well, Julie.
    Our late Kenggy too had mastectomy to remove cancerous mammary glands.
    Sending lots of healing and get well soon purrs and hugs!

  18. A few of our kitties have loved tummy rubs. It's a special trait of special kitties.
