
Friday 27 January 2023

Going to the Vet in the rain?!!

Julie: See this picture? 
Well it was raining outside!
That did not stop the ducks from coming over though.
They really like the birdseed.

So, why am I screaming?
Because mum took me out in the rain!
She took me to the Vet!
OK, maybe it was not pouring, and I was covered,
but still!

OK! I survived the visit with the Vet.
They stole some of my blood!

 Later when I got home, they called
to tell me that everything looked great.
Sheesh!!! I could have told them that!!
I demanded and got a treat for my ordeal.
Needless to say, I got one!!
 Now I need a good long nap!


  1. I am glad your blood test was good even if it did mean going out in the rain.

  2. Sorry you got hauled to the vet in the rain, Julie, but what great news! So, now you can kick back and really enjoy the weekend!

    The Chans

  3. Oh, the indignities, Julie!
    We hope that your fur is growing in nicely, and that there are no new vet visits in the near future for you.
    Purring for you, sweetheart.

  4. Julie, I'm so glad all was well at the vet. You definitely deserved your treat! 😊

  5. Good news from the vet Julie !

    Ducks love rain ! Maybe you could ask one along next time you have to go out in it. Purrs

  6. Oh dear da dreaded vet and in da deserve all da treats!! So glad all your bloodwork came out great :)


  7. Well the test results make us happy too sweetest Julie and you should get lots of extra treats all weekend long!

  8. Sorry you had to go out in the rain, but glad your blood work was good. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your mum. XO

  9. That's fantastic news!!! But having to go to the vet in the rain is just adding insult to injury :(

  10. Great news, a little rain is better than a bad vet appointment

  11. Oh, Honey. You needed to go and Mom took great care that you not get wet. XXXXX

  12. We are glad your blood tests were all okay. But going to the v-e-t in the rain!!! It's bad enough when it ISN'T raining!
