
Friday 5 May 2023

Just hanging out with Julie

Julie: Mum got some pictures if me laying
on this very soft blanket.

 I like this blanket and often lay here.
I can help mum as she posts my blog.
How relaxing is that?

It was overcast yesterday and I relaxed inside
as Mum went to the dentist.
She did some shopping too and brought me 
more food. Thank goodness I will not starve. MOL!
I do not think she would ever let that happen!
There would be consequences!



  1. That is a nice blanket to lie on while watching your mum.

  2. That looks like a very cosy blanket, Julie. It's great you're all stocked up on food; between that and your blanket you're all set for the weekend!

  3. Julie, I am furry glad you gotta soft blankie. I am on mine now, typing this under the bed. We have sunshine fur the first time in 5 constant days of rain. The mowers will be here later and I must stay hidden. Precious

  4. That blanket does look very soft and comfy, Julie.

  5. soft blanket and a full belly. who could ask for anything more?

  6. You look quite comfy and ready for the weekend sweet Julie!

  7. of course your Mom wouldn't let you starve! Looking beeeaaautiful sweetheart!

  8. You are a lucky girl to have such a good mum. And your mum is lucky to have such a good girl. XO

  9. Glad you and Mom are doing well Julie ! Purrs !

  10. Julie, we are betting that you napped most of the time, but are glad to read the you didn't have to resort to 'consequences'!

  11. Ooooh Julie, that sure does look like a nice soft blanket to cozy up on!

  12. That blanket looks divine, sweet Julie. And your mum loves you so much. Of course she would never let you run out of food. XO
