
Monday, 8 May 2023

Window Views and Sunshine

Julie: I enjoyed a nice sunny weekend.
I even got to go out a little bit.
The grass is growing and it is quite tasty when it is 
new as the blades are tender.
There is still a coolness in the air though,
but that will soon pass.

This picture is not very good to make out,
but the squirrel is hanging on to the feeder.
He likes the oil seeds Mum puts out
for the chickadees.
Those squirrels like any kind of food.

At least they provide entertainment.
Sometimes I lay in the other window and enjoy 
the sun on my black furs. It feels so nice and warm.
Sometimes mum puts her hands on my furs
and says how warm it feels.

You can see the sun on the floor too.
I could lay there but the window has a better view.
Since I am in the kitchen maybe I can convince mum 
to give me a snack.

It never hurts to try.
Sometimes I get lucky!



  1. Squirrels are crafty and smart little critters.Sometimes you can almost see their wheels turning as they try to figure out how to get at the bird feeders.

    Grass!! Hooray!

    Glad you had a good weekend!

  2. It's great you're able to get outside now, Julie! Enjoy the long awaited spring weather!

  3. I am glad your grass is growing and you can enjoy the tasty young blades.

  4. How nice that you got to go outside, Julie!

  5. If it worked once, then it may work again, Julie!
    Hope you scored your treat, and enjoyed that fresh grass.

  6. i hope you got your snack...

  7. Our mommies love our warm furs. Especially on a day when their hands are cold from outside or in the kitchen with cold foods. Enjoy the sunshine Julie. We are back to days of rain after 3 without.

  8. I mm glad you get to watch squirrel tv live instead of prerecorded. :) XO

  9. WOW, I'm glad you got to go out and nibble on some grass sweet Julie, that's a good start to the week!

  10. My mommy is a pushover with snacks for me.

  11. How wonderful that you got to go outside, Julie, AND you got some yummy grass! Hugs to you and Mum!

  12. Thanks for stopping by our blog and helping me celebrate my birthday - Raz
