
Friday, 30 June 2023

Julie thoughts


Julie: It has been rainy lately and rain is forecast
for the next week!
Guess this grass will grow higher.
Mum will need to do something about that.
The rain is also good as it will keep things
moist so that (hopefully) we do 
not get any more forest fires.
 Mum still needs to get her programs(photo editor)
installed. Her poor old brain has to try to remember
how to do stuff ;) Online photo editors
require too much of her few brain cells. MOL!

What? I was not saying bad things about your brain
or cells or smarts or anything!
Just thinking cat thoughts! Sheesh!
Guess I better think quieter . MOL!!

Anyway, I will give moral support to mum as
she reinstalls a photo editor.
The one she had is old and may or may not work.
You can do this mum!!!!

Monday, 26 June 2023

Lije is good on the sunny porch!


Julie: I am really enjoying my Summer on the porch.
Mum is too. She sits beside me and reads.
I like that as she often gives me scritches too.

                            Since she had to do the computer reset(thanks hackers) 
                            her editing program is not loaded  on the computer yet.
                                                Hopefully soon, she will get things back to normal.
                                                It is surprising how much a person can forget how things  
                                                work. She will have to get it sorted out soon. At least she
                                                got my picture up today!

Friday, 23 June 2023

Julie on the porch.

Julie: I am sitting in the doorway.
It is nice and warm outside.
I do like to see what is going on.

I also like to sit on the sofa on the porch.
It faces the door and I can see what is outside.
Often, mum sits with me and reads her book.

This time of |Summer is great for flowers.
It is also great for grass.
Mum needs to get busy and mow that grass!!!!
The big rhododendron bush is really flowering!

 Summertime is a really nice time.
So far, it has been nice. The hot weather has not
too hot and the weekend appears to have rain.
That will make the grass grow higher!

Monday, 19 June 2023

Fun in the grass with Julie!


Julie:  Mmmmmm! I love sitting in the grass.
I love eating it too. MOL!

Mum needs to do something about the grass though.
It is getting a bit high and that does not make it as tasty.

She might have to get a mower, because I cannot
eat all the grass. MOL!
For now, I will happily do my best!

Monday, 12 June 2023

Just Relaxing on the Porch


Julie: Sunday was sunny in the afternoon
so I enjoyed some time on the porch.
Mum joined me for a while and took these pics.

I went out on the ramp for a bit, but mostly
I enjoyed sitting on the sofa. Mum kept the door open 
so I could see what  was happening outside.
It is nice to just sit and watch the world.
Life is good.

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Cool days and Hummingbirds

Julie: The weather is somewhat cool and rainy.
Good thing mum has this nice cozy blankie
on the bed for me. MOL!
We have the hummingbirds coming and we
put out the feeders. They will need the juice to help
keep themselves warm and nourished. By next
week, it should be warmer. I hope they will be OK.


Friday, 2 June 2023

Friday thoughts with Julie

                                     Julie:  Mums computer is getting refreshed so   she is using
                                     her laptop and is getting used to how it works. MOL!
                                     I am watching in amusement. At least she got my picture up!
                                    It was sunny when this picture was taken.  It is cloudy now and 
                                    rain is forecast for the next few days.
                                    That is really good news as there are several forest fires raging
                                    in our province of Nova Scotia. Other provinces and some US states
                                    have sent water bomber planes to help out .
                                    I purr the fires can get under control soon and I purr the rain helps.
                                    We are lucky that the fires are not near us. I send BIG purrs to all affected
                                    by the fires.