
Monday, 26 June 2023

Lije is good on the sunny porch!


Julie: I am really enjoying my Summer on the porch.
Mum is too. She sits beside me and reads.
I like that as she often gives me scritches too.

                            Since she had to do the computer reset(thanks hackers) 
                            her editing program is not loaded  on the computer yet.
                                                Hopefully soon, she will get things back to normal.
                                                It is surprising how much a person can forget how things  
                                                work. She will have to get it sorted out soon. At least she
                                                got my picture up today!


  1. Sorry your mum got hacked. I hope all is okay now.

  2. Julie, you look lovely there.

    Yikes to your mum's computer trouble. I hope it gets sorted out quickly.

  3. Hackers are just the sorriest people ever. Imagine getting your kicks out of being mean to people for no reason!

    We're glad you're enjoying your summer, Julie.

    The Chans

  4. Julie, for those of us who aren't computer literate, ie. are IT people or can write computer code, resetting stuff and remembering the steps isn't easy!
    Thank goodness for the IT folks at the office, and that I have a Macbook at home.

  5. You look very pretty enjoying your fun porch time sweetest Julie!

  6. We are sorry abut the computer problems your Mom is dealing with Julie. but glad to see you and she are enjoying some quality time together !

  7. Nice to see your beautiful face. I am sorry your mum is having computer troubles. XO

  8. You pretty pretty girl! You are just such a beauty!

  9. That's such a pretty picture of your pretty self, Julie. Glad yo and Mum are enjoying the summer and the porch!

    Sorry she got hacked, though. Stupid hackers.

  10. Darn hackers! I hope your mom can get things straightened out. Enjoy your porch time, Julie!

  11. That is so bad of the hackers! They are real RATS, and the kind ya cant catch...

  12. Hackers need to go poof! Phooey.
    Hope your Mum will soon be able to use her computer in the way she wants to, It is hard to get around in a new setting...

    You are a beauty, Julie! That is a sweet picture of you, all relaxed and pretty!

    Enjoy your porch time!
