
Monday, 24 July 2023

Hot Days of Summer!!

Julie: We had a pretty wild Saturday . We got a lot of rain!
I am pretty sure that a lot of people were affected.
We did OK as we live on a hill.
It was nice Sunday, but hot.

I snoozed on the porch for a while.

After supper, I napped on top of a filing cabinet.
It was pretty nice as it is cooler in the house and it got a 
bit cloudy. That will be good as it will not be
too hot tonight for sleeping.

I may be staying indoors a lot as the temps are going
to be hot and muggy this week with temps of 27-29Celcius!!!.
 Our place should be a tad cooler...we hope.
If it is hot where you are, be sure to drink lots of water!!!
At least the nights are a bit cooler!



  1. So glad to know you are all safe and well ~ and you, Miss Julie ~ enjoy your warmth and your cool both!

  2. I saw the floods on the news and am glad you are both safe. Last year we had record breaking high temperatures, but this year we are struggling to reach 15-16!

  3. Julie, we too will have the hots this week. Got a drop of rain last night with a cold front that feels extra good this morn, but by tomorrow it will be like you and too warm for being outside on the patio except fur furst thing in the morn. Precious

  4. I'm so glad you and your mum are safe, Julie. I've been watching some of the news coverage, checked in with a couple of my mom's closest friends (they're safe too). Take good care of yourselves and have a good, DRY week!

  5. The new just reported lots of flooding in your area, Julie.
    Stay cool!

  6. We just came out of the third triple digit heat waves this July. We're staying cool here too and drinking lots of water.

    Have a purrfect day and week. My best to your mom. ♥

  7. Good idea to stay inside. I hope you and your mum have a nice week. XO

  8. We're sure glad those floods didn't bother you, we were thinking about you. I'm glad you enjoyed your outside time sweet Julie!

  9. It’s supposed to get hotter here this week too, Julie. I’m already looking for the coolest spot to nap. ~Ernie

  10. I am glad the weather was not too destructive for you

  11. Glad to know you are not flooded like so many were. Its going to get really hot here too, later this week.

  12. Oh yes, it is getting hotter here, too, Julie. Please stay cool and drink lots of water, okay? Hugs to you and Mum!

  13. Keep cool, Julie. It gets over 40°C here, sometimes in summer. Even up to 43°C. But we have aircon that gets it down to around 28°C. My human finds it really hot in summer.
    It is winter now and I curl up on my heated cosy.
    We are listening thinking of you Northern Hemisphere cats and humans. My human says maybe people will wake up and deal with climate change, but neither of us is hopeful. All the kitties need to speak firmly to their humans and put a paw down.

  14. Oh, Julie, it's hot like that too here as well. It will be in the high 90's F at least. You stay in little lady, so you won't get overheated. XXXX
