
Friday, 18 August 2023

Julie's Surgery

Julie: I have been to the Vet lately for some surgery.
I had some lumps on my belly. I had some before.

I am recovering, but still feel like staying quiet.
I will be happy when my stiches come out so 
I can feel well and get back to the things I like to do.

Things like sitting outdoors. I really like that.
Good thing there is still lots of Summer days for
me to enjoy. I hope to get back to normal soon.
Maybe nest week when my stitches come out!



  1. We hope ya heal fast. Stitches are impawtant, but really annoying!

  2. We sure hope you recover quickly and feel all back to your old self soon!
    Tyland and Giovanni

  3. I am sorry you had more lumps (mammary tumours?) come up and hope you recover well from the surgery, Julie.

  4. I hope you heal quickly, Julie, and that you get a good follow up report. My angels send lots of purrs. ❤️

  5. DearJulie, well that was certainly no fun for you or your mum. Please recover from the Stitches very quickly and hope all turns out well.

  6. We know what lumps there can mean, Julie, so we are sending you tons of purrs.

  7. Julie, we love you, and purring and praying for a speedy and full recovery. Hugs to you and Mum.

  8. Sending lots of purrs and healing vibes. Hopefully Julie heals soon and back to enjoying summertime on the porch 💕

  9. We have been wondering how things were going Julie. Tank you for the update We send you purrayers and Power of the Paw that the surgery was successful and that you are better soon. Much love from all of us.

  10. Julie, I am sorry you needed more surgery. I pray for you every day and I will pray you are all healed soon. XO

  11. Sweet Julie, we are sorry to hear that you had to go under the knife again. We are crossing all paws and hoofs that you will make a speedy recovery, and will be back to doing all the things you love in no time.

    Purrs, Woofs and Neighs,
    All your friends at The Poupounette

  12. da tabbies o trout towne18 August 2023 at 17:25

    de manee blessingz o st francis two ewe julie and we hope ewe get two feelin
    WAAAAY better soooper quik fast….we thinkz sum trout will help speed up
    yur ree cover ree ‼️

  13. Take care sweet girl and we're all sending tons of purrs and prayers your way.

  14. We are adding our best POTP for you sweet Julie. And pawyers for a quick recovery!
    We sure do hope you'll soon be able to enjoy some outdoor time in those warm sunbeams...and some nice fresh grass!

  15. I didn't know you were going into surgery, Julie. I hope those lumps stay away this time. And yes, there's plenty of summer left for you to enjoy. May you enjoy the best of days ahead.

  16. Julie, I didn't know you were going for surgery. I hope those yukky lumps are far away in your past and never ever come back again! Lots of love to you. XXX

  17. Oh, Julie, We are so sorry you had to go through that. We are purring for your speedy recovery and We send you lots of Love and POTP.

  18. Julie, we're so sorry you are going through such pain; praying for your speedy recovery.
    Thanks so much for visiting and your kind thoughts on late Winnie; please accept my apologies for my late response.

  19. Hope you heal quickly and you get back outside again soon.

  20. We come to bring Healing Pawkisses for a speedy recovery🙏🐾😽💞

  21. How are you feeling Julie? Here's lots of love and smoochies for you. And Purrs too.

  22. Sending our positive energy your way for a quick recovery…

  23. Oh dear, dear Julie- my, the things I miss when I'm not here as often as I would like. I hope you're recovering nicely, and I'm sending you healing purrs.
