
Monday, 13 November 2023

Hello from Edwina

Hi there. My name is Edwina.
I tend to get called Winnie.
Mum adopted me from the SPCA.
Mum says I  was born September 30,2018.
That makes me 5 years old.

                                                   I am really happy to have my own home now!
                                                   I have my own room that I share with mum,
                                                   It is SO nice to be here and I really like mum.
                                                   There are two other cats here, but we have not met yet.
                                                    That may take a while as I need to get comfy here.
                                                    I am pretty sure I am going ti like this place and I already
                                                    like MUM!

                                                    Mum and I are ready to start our new life chapters together.
                                                    This will be SO exciting!


  1. Wow, welcome, Edwina! I'm so glad you have a forever home now, and I'm glad that your mum found you. ❤️

  2. Dear Winnie, welcome. Your mum has had a heart break and you will definitely cheer her up with purrs and snuggles. Let us know when you meet the rest of the kitty family there.

  3. Oh, how wonderful that you have a home! And Mum has a beautiful house panther to snuggle. Welcome, Winnie!

  4. You're so beautiful, Edwina. I know you're love your new home and all the other kitties. Your mom has good taste.

    Have a purrfect day and week. ♥

  5. Edwina, I am so glad you are there with your new wonderful mum. You will love each other quickly. Happy times for you, pretty Panfur.

  6. Miss Winnie, you perhaps don't yet know that you have hit the adoption jackpot. You are now in the best house where you will have the loveliest life. Woo Hoo!

    The Chans

  7. I am so happy to meet you, Winnie. You have a lovely new home and you and your mum will make each other very happy.

  8. Winnie, we are so glad to meet you ! We have been AWO for a few days so missed Julie leaving for the Bridge. We know you are not there to replace Julie, but Julie knew that your Mom had a place in her heart for another kitty and knew you were another kitty who needed a place . Purrayers and POTP to you and Mum and Julie.

  9. Oh sweet Winnie, welcome home!!! That's the bestest news we've heard in a good long while. Happy Dance!!!

  10. Delighted to meet you, Winnie!
    We LURV housepanthers like you.

  11. whitefish wavez two ewe winnie and happee gotcha day,
    happee new home, wel come two blog land! ewe bee one
    gorgeouz houz panther, we R buzzed happee two meet
    ewe and look for werd two yur storreez ‼️💚🐟😺🍀🍀

  12. Welcome. Endings are sad, beginnings are happy and this is a happy day

  13. We are so happy for you and your mom! We look forward to reading all about your wonderful new life <3
    Purrs from Giovanni and Tylan at Fur Everywhere

  14. Hello and welcome, Miss Winnie. We're sure you'll be so very happy there as the Mum's got lots of loves to give you. Enjoy, settle in, and let us all know how things go.

  15. Welcome Winnie! Happy to meet you! Looking forward to hearing the goings on of the new life chapters. 🙏

  16. So nice to meet you Winnie! You sure landed in a good place and I am so very happy for you.

  17. Greetings Edwina, it's furbulous to meet mew, and we're delighted that mew got such a furbulous home and epic mom! ❤️❤️❤️

  18. Welcome home, precious Winnie. I'm glad you're there to help your mom's heart heal.

  19. Welcome Winnie! It's so nice to meet you.

  20. Welcome home, beautiful girl! I'm so, so happy for both you and your wonderful new mom.

  21. Hello, Edwina. You are one lucky cat, you know. You'll have some big pawprints to fill, but every cat makes her own, and I think you'll do fine.

  22. Winnie, how exciting for you to have a new home! I hope you settle in easily and find everything to your liking.

  23. Welcome, sweet Winnie! You and Mum sure have a lot to celebrate having found each other. XO

  24. Welcome beautiful Winnie. A win for you and a win for your Mom. It's amazing how love grows...

  25. For Julie

  26. Nice to meet you Edwina. Can’t wait to read about all your adventures.
