
Sunday 30 September 2007

Sunday Morning

Today is a beautiful, sunny day.I can tell by the open window that it is cool outside.Tillie is looking for Earl the Squirrel. Mom puts out seeds and it's a race to see who comes first, Earl or the birds. You can see the sunflower he,or the birds, planted.
This big tree is where Earl hangs out.
We had heavy rain and big wind on Friday. It did a job on Mom's sunflower.The petals are gone!

If you look very carefully at this picture,you can see Georgia.The screen is 2 layers , since we could make holes in it if it was one layer. I did that when we lived in our apartment. The screens have to be metal!

Mom is trying to restore the garden that used to be here long ago. She got some plants from her sister, Mrs.Quilter , and other friends. The big daylilies, from yesterdays post, were already here. Mom just weeded them and thinned them out a bit. It keeps her busy. Mom,you still have lots of weeds,hahaha!

Since it's still cool and Mom is probably going to clean, I think I will lie on her bed and have a snooze!


  1. I hope you enjoy your sunny day. Napping sounds like a good way to spend the day, especially if you can find a sunny spot.

  2. We have a great day here too! Now that Mom has cleaned up the yak, we can go out on the deck! Yipeeee!

  3. Sounds like a great plan. I am on mom's lap dictating. Nothing better than that.


  4. I wish I had squirrels to look at, that sounds very fun. I can see Georgia!! It is a very rainy day where I live, so I am going to do some snoozing, too.

  5. Hi Mickey. My mom thanks your mom about the nice comment about the boy. Mom is partial to him, as you can imagine. hee hee.
    I hope you have a nice day today. Your sunflower must have been gorgeous when it was in full bloom.


  6. I think that I will go and watch me some squirrels today. That sounds like a good plan.

  7. .....if you want tok kiss'll just have to join the cue!.....

  8. That looks like a beautiful garden. My Momma and the Almost Dad are trying to create one from pretty much nothing.

  9. That's a cool picture of Georgia - so subtle. Have a great day!

  10. your back yard looks lovely. i hope you enjoyed the sun today my firend, we had some in london and it made the sittiing room all warm and weez got very sleepy!

  11. I'm glad you're having a sunny day! And one of momma's fav'rit flowers is sunflowers.

    I hope you have a superduper nap!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  12. Nothing better than a cool, sunny day and you look like you're enjoying it. Your sunflower still looks impressive even without its petals:)

    I hope you don't mind, I copied one of your photos into my blog because I thought you looked so like Oliver in it, even to the pose! xxx

  13. Thats a pretty gardens even if it has some weeds.

    I fixed my video sorta,if you wants to see it.

  14. The garden still looks good. We are lucky not to have had frost by now. Hope you had a good day napping in the sun.

    Moe & Mindy

  15. I'm glad to see you enjoying the warm sun. We've had rain, rain, for three days. It's cold.


  16. Thank you :) look at that emo boy hair on this blog:
