
Sunday 14 October 2007

Easy Like Sunday

Georgia found a hidey place to snoozeTillie likes sunshine

Mickey likes hangin' with Mom
This "sweet" award was given to me by the very sweet Adan.
I would like to pass this award on to some other sweet cats.
To The Meezers,who make me laugh.
To the Mosiac Cats,they are kind to foster kitties(even if they get awards first)
To the Astor Cats, they are just cute
And to my NOMSS friend Roxy,she's black like me and funny.

Well,everycat is sweet and it's hard to name a few.


  1. Congratulations on your award you guys! Those are great places to snooze.

  2. Hey, Mickey~!
    You 3 all pick great place to spending your Sunday~!!! That is great~!!!

    Congratulations for the award, I am very honored to give you this award~!

  3. We agree... EVERY cat is SWEET. The two of you are no exception to that rule...

  4. I like Tillie's spot. It looks nice and warm. It's chilly here today where we live. Brrr.

    Congratulations to all of you on your award :-)

  5. Oh, concats to you and thank you SO MUCH (even though I am not really sweet) But Lucky is. How do I get it? What do I do? I want to post it right away. Oh, I am so happy, so happy, so happy



  6. Congratulations on your Sweet Award! What great snoozing places you found. Both of us are snoozing today too!

    Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

  7. you're sweet! Perfect for the award.

  8. concatulations, and thank you so much!! we is furry honored!

  9. Mickey it was so very sweet of you to think of ME with this award.
    I woke up to it this morning and have been feeling a tad better ever since.
    You are a charming and thoughtful Mancat.
    (And I think I look a bit like you in a photo I posted today of me sulking on a rock.)

  10. Those are sweet pictures and you deserve that sweet award!!

    ~ Bandit

  11. Congratulations on your award!

    And what great napping spots!


  12. Oh wow's! That awards is sweet (pun intendeds). Congratulations on your award.

  13. congrats on your awardie!
    your sunday laziness looks so and castle didn;t have a lazy sunday today, weez been playing alot instead. x

  14. Hello my sweet Moonshine! oh how nice of you to give the sweet treat to the Mosaic lady...she needs cheering up and yo are a purrrrfeect gentlecat to do so.
    It is sunny and warm here today and I am sleeping on my high shelf....last night there was a bunky noise and mommy said I fell off the shelf into my frying pan! I am a silly girlcat:)
    Thinking of you very much...
    lovingly Miss Peach

  15. Mickey ... Your gotcha story is similar to Feline American Cocoa Puff's ... You're just a couple of years older (an' a whole bunch of pounds lighter) than Puffy.

    Enjoy your snooze today ... an' concatulations on your award!


  16. ConCatulations on your award and you guys have such great spots to nap and seek the sun!
    Your FL furiends,
