
Monday 15 October 2007

Mancat Monday

A Mancat in the window checking out suspicious noises.Is it something threatening my home,my sisfurs, my Mom?
Or is it just leaves blowing around on the deck!You have to check it out before you take yer nap( and dream about a peachy cat )


  1. We knows who you dream about!

    Moe & Mindy

    PS my treat is salmon temp-tay-shions mmmmmmmm my favorite.....Moe

  2. you're a great mancat to protekt your family from the leaves. they can be very suspicious.

  3. I like your pose for checking around, that is very very man~!

  4. What a very good mancat you are, Mickey! You're a good protector from those suspicious noises. You look furry handsome on your gizzy quilt.
    Mr. Chen & Ollie

  5. It's very important to protect your family. Gemini hisses at everything so we are well protected, even without a mancat around!

  6. You are doing a great job keeping a lookout, Mickey. That is an important Mancat job!

  7. You're a great protector! Just look out for vishus camels!

  8. Ahhhh you are so handsome my heart stands still! You made me a little rhyme is so cute:)
    When you come for a visit today, you will leave with a small gifty for your award for you and the sisters dear.
    I spent the day in my frying pan dreaming also.
    This October will be an unforgetable month for me.
    With much love from Miss Peach

  9. Hi Mickey, thanks for coming to visit me on my purrfday. Thems sure are nice pictures of you and Georgia.

    Poppy Q

  10. Hi Mickey. Yes, I lOVE my award. Can you tell? You are doing a great job of protecting your house. Good job. I am glad Miss Peach appreciates you.


  11. You look soooo comfy!! Hmmm... I think I'll go take a nap!

    P.S. No matter how many times I see pics of Mickey, I can't get over how stunning he is - all black without a drop of colour! Stunning!

  12. It is very brave of you to check the immediate area for any dangers to the family before you settle down for your nap, even though still, you will be partly alert and ready to take action for any thing that comes up.

  13. Arh! That's the job of a big MANcat!

  14. Catching leaves blowing around on the other side of the window is an important job! Don't minimize that.

    Those are really nice pictures of you. Hope you had a great dream ;-)

  15. A good mancat must always be on the lookout for invaders. Good job!

  16. Mickey, you are doing a good job protecting your family. That's a big Mancat job!

  17. We haf something in common, we like to protekt our famblies then take naps.

  18. It is very brave and mancatly of you to check out all the suspicious noises before taking your nap.

  19. *clapping* whoopie! you're the perfect mancat for Miss Peach. you are a special guy who won the heart of a special lady cat.

    great job with your patrol. we Mancats can't rest well until we know it is safe for our family.

  20. Hey Mickey, I love your blog so I nominated you for the I Love Your Blog Award! Come and pick it up.

  21. Mickey, that first photo almost makes you look like a Halloween kitty!
    You are quite the mancat and Miss P is quite the lovely lady!

  22. Hi Mickey, thanks for thinking of us for the award - we appreciate it. You're doing a fine job keeping an eye out for threats to your family.

    Midnite & Stray Kitty

  23. You must be having really nice dreams ;) It's very manly of you to secure the premises for your family!


  24. That is greats that you protects your mom and sisters. I watch overs mommy beans while she sleeps.

  25. Oh, Mickey, what a wonderful and protective, diligent mancat you are! And I am over the moon with happiness for you and my darling sister Peachy!

    Huge kitty smiles and purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

  26. Hehe! I like to protect my family and my house and home too!!

    You look very mancatly and responsible!


  27. Hey, Mickey, I gave you an award! Come to my blog and see!

  28. Mancats are the best security officers! You're doing a great job, Mickey.
