
Thursday 4 October 2007

Desktop Meme

I was tagged for this meme by Chairman Mao and Roxy

When Mom first figured out how to do stuff on the computer,the first thing she did was change her wallpaper. Naturally,she chose ME! Soon though, it will change to Halloween!

Here are the rules for the meme:
Upon receiving this tag, immediately perform a screen capture of your desktop.It is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun. Here’s how you can do a screen capture:
1.Go to your desktop and press the Print Scrn key (located on the right side of the F12 key).
2.Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and doing a Paste (CTRL + V). If you wish, you can “edit” the image before saving it.
3.Post the picture on your blog. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop if you want. You can explain why you prefer such a look or why it is full of icons. Things like that.
4.Tag five of your friends and ask them to give you a Free View of their desktops as well.

* I don't know how to biggify my image. If you do,please comment!

I tag:

Moe & Mindy

T T Girl

Miss Peach

Black Cat

Jack & Persephone


  1. Kitten, your human is smitten with you. That's the way a cat should rule his household!

  2. I just tagged you! You beat me to it Roxy

  3. I really like that blue color. Very, very neat.

  4. Simple and directly to the point desktop.
    Just love it~!

  5. That's a neat Meme. You are very handsome in that picture Mickey!
    Your FL furiends,

  6. Yoo look good on yoor mom's desktop. All beans shood haf pikshers of der kitties on der desktops!

  7. You *do look wonderful on that desktop!

  8. That's a really great desktop, just as it should be, with your picture on it!

    Thanks for tagging me for this meme but I think you'll be disappointed with my very boring desktop...:) xxx

  9. Oh you sweet little panther you, two visits in one day:) I am almost blushing in my frying pan....
    I will get this done during nap breaks.
    Guess what I did for a good part of this afternoon? I was reading lots of pages on your blog:)
    I really like your family and how you care for them. The girls are lucky to have you so close by.
    Love and purrrs Miss Peachy

  10. It is only right and proper that you are on the desktop. It looks very neat and tidy too.

  11. That's a great looking desk top. I like the way the icons are all on the sides so they don't hide any of your handsome face.

  12. Very handsome image, Mickey! Can you believe we just have one of the default images on our computer?

  13. That's a nice pikchur of yoo Mickey. All desktops should haf poodins on them.

  14. Hi Mickey. Mom likes that screen because it reminds her of Myst. Maybe one of the reasons we like each other is because our mom's are so alike. What a bummer you live so far away.
    Oh well, mom has to go get dressed now, and put all that anti itchy stuff on. sigh


  15. What a great desktop! You look lovely on it!

  16. You look great there Mickey! Your human is smarter than ours. Ours has some man on her desktop and not even a man we know. Weirdo.
    your bud Pepi

  17. We think it is a great desktop...what could be more purrfect?


  18. I has dones the meme, come see ours too.

    I am's a bit ashameds to say that mommy bean doesn't have my picture on her's desktop like yours does. *sigh*

  19. That's a great wallpaper!

  20. Your Mom made an excellent choice! You look very handsome on her screen :-)

  21. That's a great picture of you Mickey. You mom has good taste in desktop material.

    Midnite & Stray Kitty

  22. That's a good screen, Mickey. I bet your momma gets a lot of work done with you keepin' the laser eye on her all the time.
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  23. those eyes are great! super photo - super subject matter! x

  24. These Wallpaper Memes are fun!


  25. Oh Mickey you're so fine! We just luffs that picktur of you!

  26. Nice to see your human worships you! Wonderful background :)
