
Wednesday 3 October 2007

Wordy Wednesday

Yesterday,cats wanted to know how Georgia got dirty. It has a LOT to do with Mom.

The porch is simply a verandah that has been closed in. There is a double layer of metal screening for windows. For winter,Mom will put clear plastic up to keep out the rain,snow and cold. Someday she will put in windows with screens.

The porch is old. It has wooden floors. There are cracks between the boards. Inside the cracks,you guessed it,DIRT! There is a lot of dirt where we live. It is a private road with lots of trees and is not paved.
Road at far left

When Mom comes in she brings in the dirt on her feet and it gets on the floor. Mom also uses the porch to fill up our litter boxes and she drops that on the floor. I mean,the box is not small, yet she still spills it on the floor.

Dirt in crack.Dirt on Georgia

Georgia likes to lie on the floor if it's hot . That's how she gets dirty. But it's OK,Mom gives her a brush and she is clean again. If only she would use a brush on the floor!!


  1. HOpe there won't be any snow or cold soon. Your veranda is a great place to be even if da floor is dirty. We wouldn't mind for sure.

    Moe & Mindy

  2. Ohh but to roll in the dirt on a warms day? Isn't that the best thoughs? I run from mommy bean when she gets the brushs out. *yick*

  3. hehehe, the porch looks like a furry great place to nap! There's a lot of dirt where we live, too, and dust, too. Momma's always sweepin' stuff offa the floor!

    Guess what, Mickey -- I taggied you fur a meme! Come see!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  4. Wow. I think that would be a good idea to clean the floor so Georgia didn't have to get dirty. Isn't there some law that cats shouldn't have to get dirty?

  5. Mickey you are so sweet! I am feeling a bit better, right now I am sitting on mommies lap for the first time in weeks. It is my third time out of the frying pan so far today. I also ate and coughed a whole bunch on and off all day...but it is getting better because I am purrrrring and feel happy. Having so much love all around me and the warmth you are bring to me here in my frying pan makes this a happy place.
    Lots of love to you, Miss Peach

  6. The slaves dislike picking up brooms. I notice this. Mine needs to clean my porch too.

  7. Nooooo we don't agree about the cleaning. There's nuffin like rolling in dirt. We like to git on the concrete where there'd little gravelly stones and we love rolling on them. We like to roll on the earth too. That makes yer furrs soft.Mum has to brush us after, but it's worth it to have a good roll.

  8. It is very pretty out where you live, Mickey. The veranda sounds wonderful, even if it is dirty.

  9. Georgia

    We fink that it is fun to play in da dirt too!


  10. Georgia,
    Huggy Bear and Maggie think it's just fine to roll around in the dirt. Just the other night HB came in from the garage with a cob web or dust or something hanging off his whiskers. So roll, roll, roll around your veranda!!

    -Jasper McKitten-Cat

  11. Wow, it looks very beautiful where you live!

  12. Hi Mickey! I'm glad I'm not the only bean who eschews the broom, hehe!

    Thanks for commenting on my bloggie. My friends' problem is not mortgage-related, their landlord died and his family have said they must leave the farm. I am very sad for them. Thanks for your sympathy. xxx

  13. Hi Mickey! I straightened Norman out. All you cats are my friends and he better just deal with it! I think your mom not using the broom is funny. I think you live in a beautiful place and I think Auntie will forgive you... soon.
    hee hee


  14. I think it's fun to get dirty! Sadly, Mommy doesn't...

  15. Sometimes Coco comes in with stuff stuck to her belly, which is pretty close to the ground, 'cuz she's a wiener dog. Then Momma says she has "schmutz" on her. Schmutzy kitties are okay, though.
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  16. Don't cats love to roll around on the floor and get dirty? I can find cobwebs and dust bunnies given have the chance.


  17. *giggle*, it's dirty here, too -- lots of dirt and dust, so I take lots of baths to keep my fur sparkling white!

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

  18. Oh, well that's a good dirty then. It means she hadded some fun!

  19. But you live in a very beautiful place! I hope that they repair your house soon.

    I am grateful for your commentaries and visits to you in my post. I you have added to my friends.


  20. We would love the dirts on the veranda. We would roll and roll in it. We would also love living with lots of trees and a nice private dirt road!

    Luf, Us
