
Friday 28 December 2007

Fashionless Friday

Fashion Friday,ha! No cat in this place wears fashion. I wake up and Mom plunks this hat on my head!! This is fashion?! It is a gift from Mindy & Moe, but is it fashion?

Tillie loves the catnip mouse from Mindy & Moe, but ignores the fancy collar.

The closest she got was a nose, heeheehee!!!
Put it on!!!? Are you kidding?
Georgia , meanwhile, has some treats while admiring the little fev-ver rimmed bag of mice and balls.
Ooooooooooooo, this ball is all sparkly and spikey!
Georgia with Tillie's mouse. I sense disagreement coming,heeheehee !

Georgia, I don't think that qualifies as fashion.You are wearing a toy mouse!
So!! You were wearing a silly hat! Hahahaha!! And sitting in a drawer to boot!!
Arrrrrg!!! Sisfurs!!!!!!!

That's what passes for fashion in this place !


  1. No fashons here, not even wearing a mouse! When mom sez anything about wearing something we all thank you!

  2. That's OK. We don't all have Daisy's tolerance of and flare for fashion! I don't even allow a santa hat to be clapped on me.

  3. I do not wear clothing. Not that anyone listens to me. So I think your fashion is just fine!

  4. Well.... Right now I refuse to wear hat. unless michico forces me~!!!

    Hat is really a nightmare~~~

    But I think you are cute~~~
    At least we have to encourage our beans that they doing some good attention by their heart, hahahaha~!

  5. I agree with Adan; hats are very hard to wear! I'll bet that fancy blue collar would look lovely with your furs. And Mouse-on-the-Back is an interesting fashion statement!

  6. You look great whatever you are wearing. :)

  7. Oh my Moonshine, such fun with the fashions at your house...the sisters are so cute. The blue collar looks like the bunt pan blue ice ring mommy has for new years eve:)
    I better take her to bed now before she falls asleep at the keyboard.
    Always in my toughts and forever in my heart...your Sunshine

  8. Sometimes our furs are fashion enough!

  9. That collar looks much like the one I have. I don't mind earing it and it looks pretty.

  10. That collar looks much like the one I have. I don't mind earing it and it looks pretty.

  11. Love, love, love you in that hat but agree it may not be the height of fashion. FAZ

  12. Terrific photos! I think you look great wearing that hat, Mickey! :) It's very cute. :)


  13. I'm glad you guys had a great Christmas! You have such nice furs, I don't think you really need to wear fashion clothes unless you feel like it.
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  14. I think anything you wear is fashion. Like, even paper, that can be fashion.


  15. Hee hee, you look like the court jester! At least you didn't have to wear a whole Santa Claws like the humans plopped on me!!


  16. We think you all are the height of fashion, love the pictures!!!

  17. Hahaha!

    Modeling fashions is very hard to do, and if all of you don't want to do it, don't :-p

  18. A Jester's hat and collar? Surely you jest!

    Luf, Us

  19. We weren't sure about getting you all da clothes, but we figure couldn't hurt if you all got some extra special treats out of it.
    We prolly wooden do it for treats neither tho.

    Mindy & Moe

  20. Why didn't you call this post "Funny Fashion Friday", Mickey. Because these are very funny photos. And it IS fashion!! That you all three don't like it (I fully understand ;) doesn't count!


  21. It could be worse. It could be antlers.


    You all look very pretty and like you are having fun. For the most part.

  22. Muhahahahahaha! Funny Gifts!
