
Thursday, 27 December 2007

T13- #12 Christmas Cats #2

Last week , it was very hard to limit my choices to just 13 cats.
This week was equally hard!

Since Christmas is only here once a year for a very short time, I wanted to extend the season one more week :) I'm sure you don't mind.

Millie under the mistletoe , giving Monty her "Come hither" look.

Pumpkin checking out his presents.

Skeezix with his own tree and festive fashion!

Pyewacket ready to get presents from her stocking.

Riley does NOT want to wear his Santa hat! (There was a lot of that going around)

Sweet Ariel modeled this fashion for 10 Temptations!

Adan showing his bravery wearing Vishus Deer antlers!!!!! WOW!!

Chance Bond, livin' on the dangerous side,heh,heh,heh!

Flynn & Eric posing as presents or eating all the treats in the stockings!! heehee

Jake can't get enough of this tree and is determined to show it who's boss!!

Diamond,in her festive collar, gives Welcome to the Solstice!

Boy is a Devilish 'Lil Santa!!

Angie & BeauBeau decide to present themselves as presents!!

Bonus Pic: Meepit checking out a stocking as a possible winter home.

Well, there you have it.

Christmas, as Rocky demonstrates, is DONE!!!!!!!!!

Hope you had a good one !

FYI: Counting today, there are 365 days until Christmas!!

Start shopping!! :)

2008 is a Leap Year


  1. You always have such interesting postings. SS has to try and help me to get around. SS is just too inefficient!

  2. As always some great expressions. I think Rocky has the right idea right now!

  3. Oah My~!
    This time even have me~!
    I am so great honored could be in your list~!!!!!

    There are so great great cats as well again~!!!!

  4. Dearest Moonshine! I must disagree that Christmas is over! It only just begins!! We have the 12 days of Christmas right now. I am from the old country and that is how we celebrate...each day till January 6 which is Holy Three Kings day. One can not rush out such a wonderful season...we have to learn to relax and enjoy. Too many get caught up in the Rat race (sorry rodent friends) and forget to enjoy. This makes me so sad.
    Oh and my ice lanters were a complete bust literally! Now I am going to give the old bunt pan a try...
    for now mommy and I are going to take a long winters nap.
    All our best love for now...your sunshine on the soap box

  5. Hooray! I am all for extending the season. Seeing all of our friends in their holiday finery makes me feel happy.

  6. Those are some good ones.

    PeeSsss: I am a lady cat.

  7. I agree with Miss Peach - Christmas is not over! It lasts until the Feast of the Epiphany of January 6th. The 12 Days of Christmas are happening right now - today is the 3rd Day. :)

    Wonderful collection of holidays photos! :)

  8. I love continuing the spirit especially with cranky humans around.


  9. Mickey, we LOVED your post! And I am so honored that you chose me as your grand all-flopped-out finale!!


  10. You must be exhausted! Thank God there's another 365 day!

    Happy TT!

  11. Wow, we haf so many good looking frends! Mom and dad are still celebrating...we'z mostly just playing and alaxing.

  12. Wonderful post! I am already starting the countdown. It is very nice to have the servants at home for a few days, Christmas should be more often.


  13. That is a wonderful post!
    Not The Mama giggled over the "define naughty" sweater (I just hopes he doesn't get any idears!)
    What sweet kitties, all of 'em.
    Auntie Spooker

  14. Oh we LOVE this post! It made our morning!

  15. Look at all of our friends in their Christmas best. Great T13!

  16. what adorabble pickshures of Chrissymouse kitties! We love your t13s of kitty faces.

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  17. I can't believe you started counting until next Christmas. Mom says AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
    Great Thursday Thirteen!


  18. Oh my goodness, what precious Christmas pictures of adorable kitties! Your T13s are a delight. *smile*

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

  19. Uh-oh. What yam I gonna say about da mousee? I know dis iz a pet mousee, so I better hold my tongue. Oh, da cat justee gots its tongue! Hahahahahaha!

  20. Oh we love that 13 - what super Christmas Kitties!
