
Tuesday 8 January 2008

Tuesday Memes

I was tagged by The Turkey cats for a meme. Here are the rules:

Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a notification on their blog.

1. I keep changing my "favourite" sleeping spot. Just when Mom thinks I like one spot,I change it.That drives her nuts :)

2. As soon as Mom gets in bed & turns out the lights,I decide I want scritches.

3. When I want something & Mom says NO,I find the most annoying note andgry it for a really loooong time.

4. When Mom has something I really want, I dance & cry non stop.

5. I like to watch Mom hunting for me. I do not answer her calls. I just watch. Heehee!

6. When Mom crochets,I want to help with the yarn. It IS string after all.

7. When I'm done in the litterbox, I like to scratch all the litter into a pile. I even scratch outside the litterbox.

I tag some fine Black Cats :

Here are the rules:

Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a notification on their blog.

1. I do not meow.It's more like rar rar, and low in tone.

2. When Mom coos at me,I always run to my table so she can give me scritches.

3. It Mom stops scritching too soon, I grab her arm with my paw.

4. I like to lay in a freshly cleaned,covered litterbox and just look around , then shoot out of it as fast as I can,just for fun!

5. I like to stalk Tillie. She hates that.So does Mickey. Heehee.

6. I like drink water from the sink and watch the water go down the drain.

7. I like to sleep/hang out under covers. It's cozy and you can't see me. :)

I tag:


  1. I think it's a great idea to wait until the lights are out to want scritches. Of course, Georgia does that here and gets kicked out... Sigh.

  2. Kavan loves to drink water from the sink!

    This is a fun meme, it was great learning about you! Thanks for the tag, I think I may have already done this one, but I'm not sure about Kavan.


  3. I think Georgia not meow but rar rar, is very interests me~~Hhehehehe, maybe someday your beans could record for us to hear, hahahaha~!!!

  4. We enjoyed learning more about you, Mickey and Georgia! Mickey, we like to play with the yarn when our mom crochets too! Georgia, we both like to sleep under the covers too. We love burrowing. :)

  5. Bedtime is the perfect time for scritches! Georgia, drinking water from the sink is very fun.

  6. Georgia - you and Rudy would get along well, all that stalking!

  7. that is a great meme, I think that drinking water from the sink is a pleasurable activity and one most cats should indulge in!


  8. that is a great meme, I think that drinking water from the sink is a pleasurable activity and one most cats should indulge in!


  9. we could nap together. i like being covered up too. i didnt know any other friends that like to sleep like that expect for you now..

  10. Great meme! I personally like sleeping under the covers. Have you tried that?

  11. Great memes, Mickey and Georgia!

    Mickey, you always have to keep mommies on their toes. ;)

    Georgia, Holly hardly ever meows. She would occasionally chirp. BUT, recently, she has discovered a new game. She will wait until mommy is in bed at night and then she will prowl the living room and MEOW very loudly and YOWL . . . and if no one comes to see her right away she will run into the bedroom and start a game of thundering elephants with me and Ivy.

  12. Georgia, yoo can come over here and burrow under da comforter on da gest bed wif me. Mickey, yoo and Zippy can sit in da sink and watch da water. What about Tilly?

  13. It was fun to learn about you guys. Guy doesn't meow either. He makes a squeek noise kind of like a mouse. Not very manly if you ask me.-Sultanfus

  14. Mickey & Georgia, this was so much fun! You are both very interesting. Mickey, I fully agree with you about the yarn ... anything string is for CATS!


  15. Mickey, it's important to keep your Mom on her toes, and I can tell you do a good job at that ;-)

    Where'd Georgia go? I read her meme, but I don't see her. Georgiiiaaaa, where are you?

  16. Great responses for the meme. Fun reading!

    Mickey, you remind me of my very first kitty -- a black mancat we named Friday. He was a fantastic guy. I really loved him.

  17. Those are fun random facts about the two of you. hee hee You can be something terrible, Mickey. hee hee


  18. Thanks for sharin' all those facts. We think lights out sleepy time is the best time for stritches too. And Mike likes to get under the covers, but only when the bean in under there too.

  19. Hi Mickey! Thanks for the tag! It was fun learning all those things about you and about Georgia, too!

  20. Have you met Maddy yet? You can visit her at

    She is my ultra cool, ultra patient black cat.
