
Monday 7 January 2008

Mancat Monday

On this Mancat Monday, I am doing a very important job. I am guarding this crate where our crunchies are kept. I'm not sure why she has to keep them in a crate. Does she think we would tear open the bag?? Heehee.

Maybe I'll guard this crate to make sure Mom dosen't sneak some for herself!!
It is a bonus that I get to enjoy sunshine and perform my Mancat duties. Ahhhhhhh !


  1. You're lucky your human just puts them in crate. Mine locks up all the goodies. OK, that's probably because I've figured out how to get into practically everything to get at treats, but that's not the point.

  2. I'm glad that your guarding duties allow you to relax in the sun.

  3. You are really a great mancat, Mickey~!
    I like the sun on your fur, it makes you dashing more and more~~

  4. Good morning Mickey dear, I hope your Mom notices what a good guard cat you are and rewards you suitably:) xxx

  5. Now where would your Mom get the idea that you might rip open a bag to get treats? It's really nice that you get to combine your guard duties with catching some rays.

  6. My beloved Moonshine! You are so stunning in your poses. Your fur glistens like a summers night. I am such a lucky girlcat to have your paw in mine. I am planning a little two day trip and will be off on it Tuesday. I hope you will approve and indulge an old cat like me on this. I will come back very refreshed and ready for the upcoming year. Oh and I have been working on a very secret project to top of my list of excuses for not visiting properly. You are always in my thoughts...your Sunshine

  7. Nice job guarding the crate, Mickey. I don't try to get into the crunchy bags, but Merlin does, so my humans just store our crunchies in the kitchen (the doors to the kitchen close so we can't get in it).


  8. Your Mom would eat crunchies? Eeeewww.

    Good job, Mickey, guarding the crunchies. Keep it up!

  9. this is a great location for mancatly relaxing and protecting the crunchies!

    Happy Day!!

  10. Just another Mancat Monday,
    I wish it were Sunday,
    That's my funday,
    My layout in the Sun day,
    Just another Mancat Monday.

    I have given you a Bloggers of the World Award.

  11. Great job with the guard duty, Mickey!

    Also, I tagged Georgia for a meme today. Holly thought tortie polydactyls needed more exposure on the blogs.

    Happy Mancat Monday!

  12. You found a sunbeam on top of your food crate? Lucky! Sunbeams are wonderful!!

  13. Great guarding job.Your gleaming fur is beautiful :)

  14. Ur coat looks so wonderful with the glittering sunlight ~ sooo cute ~ u r a top mancat indeed :)

    many purrs and love from the snowforest family :)

  15. You are a great guard cat! hehe I tear holes in my cruches bags if momma leaves them out. :) quen snickers

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I'll bet your mom would steal your crunchies if you were not there to guard them! I am pretty sure that my Mommie eats my Temptations all up.

  18. Good guarding job!
    We will have a surprise guest coming tomorrow and a big party on Thursday!!!

  19. Hmmm, I think mom would NOT let me guard the crunchies as she knows I would not guard them but eat them. What can I say, I am a dog. We are always hungry.


  20. Our Mommy puts ours in a plastic bin too! Shadow likes to tear open the bag when she brings its in from the hunting store.

  21. Mickey, you are such a magnificent mancat!

    Your Artsy Catsy admirers

  22. Mom keeps our food in a thingy called a "food keeper", it is hard plastic and can't be opened by chewing thru it...should we be garding it?

  23. You are doing an excellent job of guarding and you also do look quite handsome with the sunshining upon you!

    Purrrrrrs, Willow
