
Wednesday 26 March 2008

Book Meme

I was tagged by the handsome Mancat Rascal for this meme.

Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to
Empress once you post it to your blog so “I”
(empress, not us) can come see!

The book is " A New Earth: Awakening to Your life's Purpose "
by Eckhart Tolle
I guess everyone is reading this,heeheehee

" When you give little or no help to others or put obstacles in their path, the universe---in the form of people and circumstances---gives little or no help to you because you have cut yourself off from the whole.The ego's unconscious core feeling of "not enough" causes it to react to someone else's success as if that success had taken something away from "me". It dosen't know that your resentment of another person's success curtails your own chances of success."
Thunder Bum, er Monty , heehee!!!


  1. Hmm, mom read that book and said "I knew that" like effury 5 minits...she gave it to dad to read but he hasn't read it yet.

  2. That is fun. Mom will have to try it.


  3. That is a very complicated meme, Mickey! I'll try it out, though...
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  4. Very fun meme, but if someone tag me, I might type in Chinese.

    You look excellent today, Mickey!

  5. Oh thank you for the tag. I have just put my Meezer Rule but I think this could be a great Thursday post!

  6. Oh and I wanted to say, my human hasn't gotten to that one yet but it does sound like an interesting book.

  7. Our momma is reading, um, . . . listening (on CD) to that book too!

  8. Hi Mickey. You and your people are very generous and kind, so you are the best part of the book description. My people showed the relatives your blog and the gifts you sent me. They think you are all wonderful!


  9. I didn't quite understand it, but Mom thought that sounded like a very interesting book!


  10. Oh, fun book meme! Mom did it on her writing bloggie a little while back! *smile*

    That is a great picture of you, Mickey! It will give your sweetie, the darling Miss Peachy, the vapors, I'm sure!

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

  11. Cool meme, I've seen this one on other blogs. That's a good book you are reading and have read similar ideas in other works. The bottom line is treat your neighbor as you would yourself. Of course...if you have a bad view of yourself that's not so good, right?

  12. What an interesting way to do a meme my dear. This is a very true message in three sentences. We tend to complicate things for ourselves at times. Mommy says, "We are our own worst enemies tripping over our trail of pride..."
    I am having a sleepin today for Miral...please join me in prayer when you have made all your visits my beloved friend.
    Your sunshine

  13. How true Mickey, how true! That was a great meme!

  14. That's a fun meme and a very interesting book! Thanks for the tag!

  15. Those three sentences are certaintly very true. Interesting Meme.

  16. The nearest book, huh? that could be quite interesting! You picked a great book, by the sounds of it.

    Mindy & Moe

  17. Roger. I try Mickey.

  18. Wow that's very literate of you, Mickey :)

  19. Neat! Sounds like an interesting book! ~Queen Snickers

  20. Great meme. My mom has not read that book....

  21. hehe thats a great meme, and what a profound book! I am not jealous of other cats success. I am only jealous of other cats' thin efficient slaves. x

  22. Interesting quote. Beautiful portrait of you too. But you always look handsome at whatever angle.

  23. Well dat was very nice. Yoo look bootiful by da way.

  24. My mom probably won't read that one. She can't ever get through Jules Verne.

  25. I just did the book meme - having been tagged by Days of Transition -who was tagged by Kat at Keep the Coffee Coming. It traces back to you. Fun!

  26. Hi Mickey,
    Gunner tagged me to do your book meme and I posted it on my blog today. Thanks for the fun, I never knew books could be so cool!
    Murphy Dogg

  27. Dogs' Aye View tagged me to do your meme. Thank you.
