
Tuesday 25 March 2008

Tummy , Toes & Dreams

Look!!! You can see my tummy and my toes.

It's a nice day and I am so happy!

Georgia is in a silly mood. She is rolling around on the table and showing off her tummy!

I'm sitting here sunning my toes.

Hi Mickey. You want up here? OK. I'll go see Georgia being silly.

Sometimes,Tillie is a good sisfur. She knows I like to sit here.

I like to sleep here too and sun my tummy. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

Dreaming of a Peachy cat !!! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Georgia, you're such a little cutie! My mom was all "squee!" with your tummy showing like that! (She'd try ti kiss it, I know she would.)

    I'm glad you guys have a nice day to sun in.

  2. Those are nice happy photos!! Adorable.

  3. It's so nice when sisters are considerate. I tagged you for a meme if you want to play. Details at my blog.

  4. hi mickey! thanks fer visitin me. my mommees says my good looks is dee-see-ving. i think it means i am really handsum.

    i gots 2 sisfers too. we gots sumfin in common. ar yur sisfers aggravating sumtimes? mine are. they get hissy alot jus becuz i taps them on thare behinds when i chases them.

    yur furrend, kintaro

  5. Oah Mickey,
    Thanks for showing your tummy, I don't see it very often, but I like seeing your tummy of today~! Michico says she wants to rub for a while, even take risk of your bitey~!

    Georiga and Tillie are very cute~!! I am very happy for you have such adorable sisters.

  6. Mikey, you and your sisters look like you're all enjoying the Springtime Sunshines! We're hoping that soon all this cold air will be gone for a while, don't you?

  7. Oh dearest when you wake from your dreams come and see me in all of my silliness...I am trying to learn to be elegant as I walk.
    Oh how I yearn for the warmth of sunny days out in my patio when I first dared to dream of cats, blogs, friendships and love.

  8. Georgia, you have an adorable tummy and cute toes! Mickey and Millie, you are certainly enjoying the sun. :)

  9. Awwwww!!!!!

    Hugs and purrs to y'all. :)

  10. Georgia of course you should show off your cute tummy.
    Tilly you are furry considerate letting Mickey have his favourite spot.

  11. I love the pictures of all of you. What a happy trio you are.
    I hope that your dreams about Peachiekins were the snuggliest ever! She is such a nice girlpoos
    <3 and purrrrs for today!

  12. You and Peach make such a cute couple Mickey. She is so lucky to have a good mancat like you.

    Georgia has a REALLY floofy tummy!

  13. Tillie was very nice to let you get in the sunny spot. She has very good manners! AND a great tummy!

  14. Enjoy the sunshine and sweet dreams about Ms Peach!

  15. Georgia, you are acting a little silly. Being silly is FUN! You all look very happy and relaxed.

  16. If I had sun, I would be rolling around like that too. You are so lucky.

  17. Those are cvery sweet pictures. There is nothing better than sun on the furrs and toes.

  18. Georgia, what a perfect pose. You guys look very sweet!

    Spring is comin'! Hold on!!!!!

  19. Thanks for visiting me & leaving a nice comment! You are right, being sneaky can have a downside.

    Very cute pictures! I love napping in a sunny spot, too.

  20. Nothing better than sunbeams to lie in!

    Luf, Us

  21. I think that there is nothing better than a sunspot!

    Purrrrrrrs, China Cat

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. All of you have gorgeous tummies and toes :-D But Georgia is quite the ham in these photos :-p

  24. We love your pictures! Especially the second one. That looks like a tummy that needs a good rubbing.
