
Monday 7 April 2008

Mancat Monday

It's Mancat Monday and I sitting here thinking. Do you think I am hip?

Well, just because I am an older cat does not mean I cannot be hip!

Heck yeah!!!!! I am hip!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!

Look what I got from Luxor !!

I am so happy that he thinks my blog is Totally Hip!!

Tillie & Georgia are thrilled too ! Yay!! I'm hip!!!

This award was invented by Charlie, who said that the award must be passed on "to three hip bloggers to perpetuate the spirit of hip-ness, for which, if you need any help, you can refer to Zaphod Beeblebrox*, who said, "I'm so hip, I can't see over my own pelvis!"

( I do not know who Zaphod Beeblebrox is. Maybe I am not so hip ;)

I bet Google knows :)

Any way,I will pass this award on to three "hip" cat blogs !!!!!!!

1. Eric & Flynn

2. China Cat

3. Willow


  1. Concatulations on your award!

    Oh and Daddy says Zaphod Beeblebrox is from Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Mommy doesn't know any thing about it!

  2. mew mew Mickey you are very hip. I very happy you got your award! MEW!!! Mummy says you are tres cool! (She very partial to black cats MEW!)

  3. Congratulations on your award, Mickey~!!
    You are certainly very hip to me!!

  4. You are at least as hip as I am. Congrats on your award!

  5. Yup! You are totally hip! Especially for an older geezer poodin...

    Luf, Us

  6. I think you're a totally hip cat.

    Congratulations on your Totally Hip Award. I got one, too.


  7. OH MY GOSH! You are so deserving of this special HIP kitty awardie my Moonshine! I am so proud of you for selecting such derseving kitties to pass it on to! Such a happy day today.
    I am doing a special post today for Adan for Mancat Monday...I am having a story time...I am serving tea from your beautiful tea set you gave me! We can cuddle in the back row:)
    Love your Sunshine

  8. Mickey, I have known that you are hip for a very long time!

  9. Mickey dear, mom says you are the hippest cat on the Internet.

    Purr from us here in Australia. :)

  10. You and gals are some of the hippest cats in the world! This is a very well-deserved award, indeed. Congratulations!

    BTW, we were tagged for the book meme, and the instructions say to let you know about it. So we're lettin' y'all know. (^_~)

  11. I think you are very hip!

    ~ Timothy

  12. You are very hip, Mickey! :) Congratulations on your award! :)

  13. Oooh, you are so very hip!!! You are so kewl you could keep a side of beef in you for a month (also from Hitchhiker's Guide). Concatulations on a deserving award.

    We tagged you for the book meme. You can read about it on our bloggie.

    Concatulations again on your award!!

  14. You are so hip, you are completely hip!
    congrats on this cute awardie

  15. You are about as Hip as Hip can get! Totally Hip! Congratulations!

  16. you're totally hip! it isn't the age, it is the mindset. look at the Rolling Stones and Tom Petty!
    I hope your weather is getting better so you can get grass again.

    Hi Georgia & Tillie!

  17. Congrats on being so HIP! As opposed to hippy which isn't so fun, especially if you are a mom bean. Ha Ha.

    purrs, Shade and Goldie

  18. Of course cats are hip! Everyone knows that :)

  19. Congratulations on your award! You are a very hip mancat :-D

    PS: Age has nothing to do with hipness ;-)

  20. Mickey, I agree . . . you are one totally hip mancat!

  21. Zaphod Beeblebrox is the strange sort of guy (relatively speaking) from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Gallexy. That whole series is kind of strange, but very hip and funny.

    Concatulations on your award and I'll hip myself over to House Panthers and add a link to your post.

  22. Congratulations, you hipster, you!

  23. Your an awesome older cat!
    Your years and experience
    make you a true hip cat.
    Congrats on your award! Purrr!

  24. You are one hip and handsome kitty cat. :)

  25. You are very hip, Mickey. We are glad you have received the award, too. Great job passing it on. Mom has to do that, if she doesn't fall asleep first.


  26. Never admit that you are old! I always pretend to be much younger than i am!

    Have your pet humans rent the movie Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.. of course the book is much better!

    Congrats on your award.

  27. You know it's hip to be square...or something like that.
