
Saturday 17 May 2008

Photo Hunt- Candy

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunters is : CANDY

Does this bag bring back memories?


Now it's Five Cent CANDY ,hahaha

Not nearly as good as grass!!!!

Now this is yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. mi mom told me all abowt penny candee ... an how a big candee bar yoosta cost 5 centz. doze wer da dayz wen gasoleen cost ... wut ... 25 centz a gallon.
    i dunno ... i think i prefer grass miself.

  2. Mummy wants to go out and buy candy/sweets now.

    Simba x

  3. Oh that looks yummy sweet. Mommy loves gummie bears and lots of old fashion candies. Salt water taffy, Werthers, caramels, chocolate covered rasins or coffee beans...necco wafers!
    How is the weather in your beautiful new scotland right now?
    it is plenty warm here in the desert but we are comfortable after the long winter to have some warmth...trouble gets too hot too fast and we have no gradual ease into it. Oh well, autumn will be here before you know it and mommy can't wait!
    Now that the patio is all cleaned maybe I can talk mommy into having a tea party for us...want to come?
    Love your Sunshine (hot & warm)

  4. I remember penny candy and penny bubblegum. I used to be able to get a sack like that full of jellybeans for about a quarter.

  5. grass is a treat, the candy was a trick

  6. great choices...I especially like the cat candy...grass, our cats crave it.

    Well, I have one candy that's nutless, and one candy with nuts...stop by and enjoy the sweetness!

    Have a great weekend.

  7. That last picture is fantastic! What great teefies!!!!

  8. Hmmmmm I wonders do they has candy grass? Woulds it taste the same as that green, fresh smelling goodness?

  9. I bet those beans would eat grass too... if it were dipped in chocolate or rolled in sugar!

  10. We love that last photo! Yummy grass!

  11. MMMmmMMMM - I like the grass!
    ps - Canada was lovely according to my folks! They were in the "wilds" of Windsor!

  12. Mum sez she can remember that candy cuz they used to have the same in the Yookay. We agree wiv efuury uvver cat though, the grass looks best.
    Mum sez they are going on anuvver cruise in October...WHAT???? Mum you didn't tell us that! They are going furrom Quebec to New York then into the Carry Beans.Two of the places they stop at are Sydney and Halifax. She wondered if your mum could tell her what the best places are to visit when they are there. They are only there furr 9 hours each and they don't know the best places to go.
    Fanks Mickey.

  13. Mmm, I agree with you, Mickey, grass is way better than candy. Momma just laffed and said she wished she preferred grass, too, because then maybe she wouldn't have needed that root canal. Ha ha!
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  14. Grass and candy. What a combination.

  15. Grass is far better than Candy! You are so right.

  16. We prefer grass too, but we like to lick mom's gummy bears, we don't know why she gets so darn's not like we eat da whole thing.

  17. One man's grass is another mancat's candy!

  18. That's a big inflation! And I was just remembering the days of my childhood with the sweets store I always crossed when going to school... :-)

    Luckily the grass price didn't increase significantly :)

  19. Now the supermarkets pitch it in plastic bags. It just doesn't taste the same.

  20. We cats don't have the ability to taste sugar, so we don't get to excited over candy, but yer talkin', yeah! and some of that primo nip is good too.

    Mom is glad that bag of candy is not in front of her, she says it looks yummy.

    Mindy & Moe

  21. Mickey, Tigger wants to know if she can have one of your pieces of grass as no one will go downstairs and get her one piece.

  22. Mom doesn't remember that candy. She thinks dad might. She never liked candy like that. She doesn't like gummy bears or jelly beans. She's weird that way. But then, she doesn't like grass either.


  23. Golly ... Has penny candy gone up that much in price? Mom remembers going to a little store in Washington State an' spending a quarter to get a whole brown bag full of candies.

    Your grass looks much better to me, though ... Maybe Mom will make run to PetSmart for some?!? Moooommmmmm ....


  24. Hahaha! I knew you'd like grass better than penny candy :-)

  25. MMmmmm green grass... but my people likes the penny candies.

  26. a sackful of Jelly beans costs about five dollars now... jelly beans or a gallon of gas...which treat can we afford? yikes.
