
Sunday 18 May 2008

Sunday Flowers

We're just hanging out on the porch waiting for the sun to come out.
It rained all day yesterday and it's still cloudy today.

I'm hoping the sun comes out too. Maybe I'll get some more grass !!

Mom,did you say it's clearing outside?
I better get on the porch!!

Mom finally has some blooms in the garden. She is really happy about that .

The land is very rocky and the soil had lots of weeds.


Daylilies and Vinca ( pretty ,but very invasive ,groundground cover. )

Old fashioned daffodil.

New daffodil. A gift from Mom's brother.

Another daffodil gift from Mom's brother.


  1. it rainz an den it stopz heer. but i don't care ... i go owtside rainin or not.
    nuthin iz in bloom heer eksept da treez. today mi mom wuz takin pikshurz uv ivy an plantz before dey bloomed.
    i like yer flowerz.

  2. Lovely blooms. We get the rain too but everything is withering and going yellow. The only thing that is growing is my fur.

  3. Oh it is wonderful to know Spring is not yet spent on your beautiful isle. The peach daffodil is called Salome...mommy had those a long time ago and loved them!
    We know how vinca/periwinkle grows! FAST!!! We took it out! It is so hot here right now...almost 90* today! We melted a little...but stayed out on the patio for the most part puttering about. Lapdaddy put up two more bird houses. Now we have 5 with 3 full of nesting sparrows. The racket they make in the morning wakes mommy up! All day long they scream for food!! We even saw a hummingbird in the plum tree! It was a fun day.
    Wishing you a wonderful Sunday my Moonshine....purrrs to the pretty sisters:)

  4. Those are beautiful flowers! We hope the rain ends soon, Mickey.

  5. We love your daffodils - we won't get those until September.

  6. Hi Micky! Mommy LOVES daffodils. What beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  7. That white/peach daffodil is so beautiful! I have never seen one like that before. No bulbs can grow in my climate. And we are still in a bad drought so everything is all dried up.

  8. Wow, such pretty flowers! No wonder you want to go outside!

  9. Oah My God~!
    These are so so beautiful flowers~!!!!!
    Thanks for sharing with us!!!!!!
    Now I want to go out as well!

  10. My mom says that is a great assortment of daffodils. She has never seen the second one.

  11. Nice flowers!
    Hope the sun comes out for you soon. Here, we were happy to have the fog roll in over night and cool things down a bit.

  12. It's never raining here. But because of that we also don't have such pretty flowers like you have!
    The new daffodil looks fabulous!

  13. Can you believe it? Our male is trying to plant vinca!

  14. It is raining here too. Your flowers are beautiful. We are hoping to have sun again soon.

  15. What pretty flowers! Those vinca sure are a lovely blue. We had ours weeks ago an' now it's just too hot.

  16. We jus saw yur T13 post! Fanks for makin me fameus wif my picturs. Are yoo just getting daffydills now?

  17. those are very pretty "new" daffodils. Mom doesn't have any blooming flowers yet. :(


  18. Oh, what beautiful flowers! It didn't rain today but my mom wouldn't let me go outside because we had to work on Carnival of the Cats. Maybe tomorrow?


  19. Your Mom's garden looks very nice!
