
Monday 2 June 2008

Mancat and Auction Win!

Ah,Mancat Monday. I love this day because it's just about me.
No little sisfurs to drive me nuts,well,unless I leave my room,heehee!!

I can sit in peace and enjoy this warm sunshine too !!
Oooooooooooooooo,look what Mom has!!!

My Sweetie Miss Peach had an auction for Lilly Lu.
Mom bid on these earrings and won!!! They are so pretty!!!!

Look, Mom got some tea and a magnet too :)
I got a postcard from Peachykins. It's private ,heeheehee!!!!

What a great Mancat Monday!!!!!!


  1. You look like you are really enjoying the sunshine, Mickey. :) Those are pretty earrings - Miss Peach is so wonderful in what she includes in her packages!

  2. That is very heaveny look of you, Mickey~!!!!
    And you are so kind and with great heart to get beautiful earrings to your bean!

  3. Have a wonderful Mancat Monday, Mickey. Your mom will enjoy the lovely earrings and the little extras from Miss Peach, and for a good cause too.

    Mindy & Moe

  4. Oh Mickey! What nice earrings! Will your Mommy let you play with them a little?

  5. U gots a nice view out the window too, Mickey!
    The earrings are really special, we are happy ur mom auction succesfully for them for a good cause. :)

  6. Hi Mickey! You are looking very Mancat today! How exciting that your Mommy won the goodies!

  7. And I love seeing you on Mancat Monday!

    Those are wonderful earrings you got there too.

  8. Those earrings are gorgeous - I bet your mom will look great in them!

    Enjoy your day, Mickey . . . isn't it great just to have a day for us? Purrs!

  9. What a lovely day and wonderful auction winnings! Enjoy your ManCat Monday Mickey!

  10. I hope you enjoyed your Mancat Monday! Sometimes cats need a day just dedicated to them!

    The auction winnings are wonderful, especially the earrings!

  11. that's a lot of pretty stuff. Puurrretty.

  12. Mickey, you are looking very shiny today!

  13. Hey, Mickey, That's great your mom won the earrings and other prizes. After reading Crizcats, we thought you were going to model the earrings for us.

    Hehehe. Just kidding. Mancats don't wear earrings.

  14. You have having a great Monday!!

  15. This was a great mancat Monday for you and your mom too!
    those earrings are stunning!!!!
    MissPeachie's mum makes superb jewels that are certainly worthy of wearing and showing off!

    Mickey, today is your day. I hope it was a good one!


  16. It certainly looks like it is. Those are beautiful earrings. Enjoy your sunshine. We like it too.


  17. I love these earrings!!!

    Carmen (Anita´s bean)

  18. Dennis thinks Mickey looks wise and handsome!

  19. Dennis loves picking all of the magnets off of the fridge. Try it Mickey! You get on top and reach down and flick them off, then you get down and get the lower ones. Dennis likes watching the humans put them back.

  20. Wow, that is a wonderful Mancat Monday, lots of cool gifts, and you are one handsome man cat, Mickey!

  21. happy Mancat Monday!! enjoy that sunshine Mickey. maybe you can even bat around your mommy's earrings a bit too. Miss Peach is so .

  22. Glad you're enjoying the sunshine, and that your mom won the earings.

  23. Whoa! Look at how sunshiny and gorgeous your furs look today, Mickey! Ummm, those earrings look totally whappable, buddy!

  24. What a great collection of fun stuff! Enjoy your sunshine!
