
Tuesday 3 June 2008

Tattle Tale

It's tattle tale Tuesday and we are tattling about Mom's ignoring the state of the windows!!

Can you see the dirty spots!!!
I'm embarrassed and cannot look at you right now!

Are you going to clean the windows any time soon Mom?

I agree Tillie, it's hard to see through them.

Not good Mom!

This is what I think of your cleaning, or lack of it I should say !!!!
What do you think Mickey?

I'm just too embarrassed to show my face!!!!!!!


  1. Hahahahahahahaha!!!! Mickey, you iz da bomb man. Dat paper bag cat iz hi-lary-yous! Da momee can't stop snarfillin'. Justee listen: Momee: "Har, har, snort, har, snort!!!!!"

  2. OH that Dr Tweety just cracks me up!! We are home safe and sooooo tired! I am not a happy kitty at all. I might even throw a hissy fit today! Do you think I should?
    Maybe I will borrow the sisters paper bag!

  3. Whahahaha! Mickey, u're so funny!
    The windows must be worse than it looks! Hahaha

  4. HeeHee, I made a tattle today too!

  5. Too funny, Mickey!

    We'll tattle on our mom too: she needs to clean the windows as well!

  6. Mickey, you are too funny! See if your Mom left the Windex in that sack while you're in there, will ya?

  7. Oh how funny. Our windows have pawprints on them. Don't know how that happened!

  8. I was already giggling when I got to the paper bag, now I'm ROFL, too funny!

  9. you should see our windows. yikes!!!

  10. Hey, your windows look just like ours! Mom is always complaining about the nose prints we make on the inside! hehehe!

    Thanks for the concern and purrayers for my sister, Lilly!


  11. HAHAHAHAHA! Mickey! You are so funny, buddy! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  12. That was a smart move, buddies! I bet your momma will be so embarrassed she will clean those windows now. Unless she's lazy like my momma.
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  13. You should see OUR windows. They get nose prints all along at kitty height. AND the male wants to get a glass rail for the stairs. Do you know how many nose prints we will have?

  14. Your windows look great - we have to look through woofie slobbered windows! Blech!

  15. That's very cute, you do all look embarrassed, even without the paper bag ;)

  16. HeeHee!!! Our windows are hideous! Wee one finger prints everywhere! We are lucky we live out in the woods!


  17. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! That last picture is sooooo funny. We are all laughing at it. I hope your Mommie cleans the windows so you can come out of your bag again.
    Missy Blue Eyes

  18. Hehehe, too funny! Our Mommy needs to clean the windows, too. Especially the doorwall - yikes!

    Georgia, you are a very beautiful Tortie! :)


  19. Hello, Mickey.
    A photograph of cats making itself at home by a window is very happy and is pretty.
    The cat which was in the corrugated cardboard is very pleasant.
    I roared with laughter.

  20. Our windows are very dirty-ful, too. Your paper-bag disguise is hilarious!

  21. Our windows look like yours!


  22. haha, that's too funny! I am happy we never have rain or anything and the windows are open 24/7 so I just have to clean them twice a year :-)

  23. Ah window cleaning is so boring.
    We leave paw prints on our windows, that´s artful!
    The cardbox cat is funny!

  24. Hmmmm those winders do looks a bit dirty. Perhaps the mom is outs of cleaner? Do you thinks if you spits or pee'd on thems it woulds help?

  25. Hahahaha that paper bag is funny. We have windows like that too. They only look dirty when the sun shines and it doesn't do that very often, and when it does, mum feels all guilty about how dirty they are. Not guilty enough to clean them though.

  26. HAHAHA I don't know if my momma has EVER washed our windows. :p

  27. Hahahahaha That paper bag was so funny! I will certainly tell on my Food Lady too, as our windows are quite atrocious! It sounds like she is in good company with the other moms!!!

    Purrrrrrrs, Willow

  28. Hahahahaha Guess you better get on it, mom! But of course, once you are done the windows, they will find something else for you to clean.


  29. Love that last picture! You should see our windows.. they would make you cry!

  30. Mickey, you are very observant. What is it with our moms. Mine is also very bad at cleaning. Our windows are also very dirty.

    You and Tillie are such sweeties. You do not have to be embarrassed, I do not hold your mom's lack of cleaning against you :-P

    I hope today was a wonderful day for all of you.
    purrrs, Prin

  31. Mum says the windows are dirty 'cuz of my nose prints!

  32. Ah ha! I knew it all along Mickey
    really is the unknown comic cat!
    Hi sweet Tillie! Windows never
    stop being dirty when there's
    noses & paws on them!

  33. **giggle**, Mickey! You're so funny. The paper bag is cracking me up! And don't feel bad -- our Mom hasn't done much window cleaning, either, and oh, does it show!

    Thank you so much for your thoughts and purrs! I'm feeling well today, getting lots of rest, and eating plenty of stinky goodness and chicken baby food -- yummy! The Cat Blogosphere is the best!

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

  34. Hmmmmm. We wonder how the windows got so dirty?

  35. You're so funny.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Hahahaha!! You'll have to let us know if that post made your Mom clean the windows :-D
