
Tuesday 24 June 2008

Tummy and Toes Tuesday

Today we are showing some tummies and toes.
I am also showing a bit of Mom's mess. See, I'm sitting on it!
You can see my toes, but Mom can't see the flyers,heehee!


Here are my whiskers . They look white,but that is just sunlight .

Tillie showing her toes in the lounging position.

Tillie : Look at my toes!!! Aren't they cute?!!!!!

Georgia, taking it easy on her table.

BIG stretch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of tummy!!!!!

Clean up time!!!! See My mittens ,heehee

These are my back toes. I have extras!!


  1. All of you have wonderful toes on the ends of your paws! I will have to ask my mom to show you my toes after she wakes up. I like to touch her face with them as she sleeps.
    Abby Normal

  2. Awww, you are all such gorgeous kitties, such adorable tummies and toes! Your pictures always make me *smile*.

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

  3. We wanted to stop by and say thank you for celebrating with us this weekend. Sorry we couldn't stop by sooner, but we've been having problems with our internet connection...Anyway, we just wanted to express our thanks!

    Purrs and Headbutts,

    Moki and Family

  4. The toesies are as cute as the kitty owners! Or is that the other way round?? :P
    Mach: Oh, kitty tummy... must rub!

  5. Oh Georgia I just love your toes! All of them! Mommy wants to kiss better run and hide or she will. She does that to me all the time! I might even be in trouble today because of something that came in the mail....

  6. Such adorable toesies - and Mickey, your whiskers are wonderful in the sunlight!

  7. Oh, such cute tummies and toesies!!!!!!! Mommy loves that last picture!

  8. A lovely array of toes and tummies!!

    Love that BIG stretch, Tillie!!

  9. I'm showing off my extra toesies today too, Georgia!


  10. Wow about the extra toesies :-)

  11. You all have very cute toesies! I especially love polydactyls!

  12. Oh, look at that, how cool exta toes! Can you hold things better with more toes? =^Y^=Ty

  13. Wow, you sure have lots of toes at your house! And what a beautiful tummy shot too! I was mad at my mom for not helping me blog for days so I withheld my toes from her - but not for too long!

  14. Those are some very nice toesies.
    PS We'er glad the wildfire is out.

  15. Do your extra toes help with climbing, wrestling or running fast? I bet they do. Those are some great tummies and toesies.

  16. What great tummies and toes. Mickey, that's your mom's recycling pile. I know because mom has one too. hee hee


  17. Great toes & tummies :), all my
    kitties still have their claws
    so I need a family member to hold
    those toes to get a great shot,
    one of these day they all won't be
    so busy. I was thinking of joining
    TATorties maybe in Fall, my other blogs and responsibilities are calling me a lot during this summer. Thanks for asking :)

  18. What beautiful kitties! You have floofy tummies and toesies.

  19. You guys have very very lovely toes and tummy~!!! So floofy I want to rub it!

  20. Hi Mickey! Yes, my People are coming sort of close to you - part of the vacation is in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. They promise to wave hello to you and Georgia and Tillie and your people from some place on high. You are such a kind cat to look out for me all the time. Looks like everything around you is beautiful now.

    Purrs, Halloween

  21. Yep, us poly cats ARE extra special, aren't we? You all look in fine form, all perky and sassy. And there's floof everywhere!

  22. Black cats do have great whiskers.

    And of course we love the poses on the table, and the toes, too :)

  23. Georgia! What a cutie you are!!

  24. Very nice pictures. Looks like a nice home.
