
Sunday 25 January 2009

Easy Like Sunday

We had some sun today.
It was nice on the porch.
Then later, it got cold.
No worries though, we just finished our naps in the house!



Mickey ( in the kitchen where it was warmer)



  1. georgia, you are just a basket o'sunshiney goodness!

  2. But even so the porch looks nice and sunny!

  3. You are the embodiment of Sunday. Well done!:)

  4. Oah, Very Very comfy easy Sunday indeed~!
    I want to join you as well~!

  5. Staying warm on a relaxing Sunday is a very good plan!

    Huffle Mawson

  6. In the kitchen in the sunshine...only one thing would make it better....some treats to snack on. My Party Mix is my passion and I yell for it under the kitchen sink as you well know.
    We got some snow today again...sigh...I hope it goes away and warms up soon. The garden cats are tired of the cold...they did, or at least one of them, and I think it was the kitten....ate a bird on the patio!! Mommy was very mad about that! They are well taken care of and we love our birds...this is not good.
    Stay warm and demand some of those yummy chips!
    XOXOXOX your sunshine

  7. Stay warm! We got a little dusting of snow this morning...brrr...

  8. Georgia, you look so sweet and snuggly in your basket. Tillie, you have mastered the art of napping on the narrowest surface without falling off. Mickey, that's such a pretty picture of your silhouette in the window.

  9. Gotta take advantage of sun when there is some in the winter!

  10. What a pretty bunch of furries, Mickey you look just like my Shadow I use to have, she has been at the Bridge for 21 years now, I love your eyes, when I was young I had a car eye marble just like Tillie's eyes. Thank you for coming by, here is purrs and buttheads to you kitties.

  11. naps in da house!
    dem are bestest fing of all!

  12. Hi Georgia

    What a nice basket. And our names rhyme!


    PS: You other guys are cute too.

  13. You all are so cute! I really love the photo of Georgia in "cat loaf" position in the basket - she fits perfectly. (Her fur looks like someone just petted her too :)!)

  14. Not many sunny spots here today, just rain.

    Simba and Jazzi

  15. Oh, that first spot is a nice warm looking one. Our human can't find any of us right now. We're snoozing someone secret.

  16. You all are so lucky to have that wonderful sunny porch!

  17. It's so nice to see the sun, even in a photo!

  18. How nice it would be to be a dozing cat in a pool of sunlight. fur getting warmer and warmer until you wake up and have to move into a shaded spot, or think maybe I should check the kitchen, see what's going on there, and on the way find an old toy I haven't noticed for awhile. hello old toy old pal of mine... what's that noise?

  19. It's always a little warmer in the window sill.

  20. We got some sun today, too! Sun just is the best to nap in...

  21. It was nice sun. If you were inside. Mom left us outside for like, hours, and we practically froze our butts off. Thank goodness she finally came and rescued us.


  22. Sunshine is wonderful :-D Glad you got to enjoy it yesterday!
