
Saturday 24 January 2009

Photo Hunt - Chipped

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : CHIPPED

This bowl is CHIPPED.

When Mom eats these, she will be CHIPPED!!


Well!!! I looked....

and looked really hard!!!

I did not find any chips though!!!

Mom!! Are you gonna share ?


  1. Mums can be a bit selfish sometimes. Mine often does not share her food with me, and that's wrong.

    Huffle Mawson

  2. I hope that you don't have to eat from a chipped bowl!

  3. We rather have the chips than to eat in chipped bowls. Any salsa flavored chips?? Hehe :P

  4. We hope you got a chip. Those look super yummy (and we can tell our mum thinks so to, as we just had to dodge her drool).

  5. We hope you got chipped too, Mickey!

  6. That is a lot of chips. Enjoy your weekend.

    Simba x

  7. Oh boy, chips...once my mom gets started she can't stop. It's one of the few things that I just let her eat, I won't fight her for them.

  8. Franklin likes chips too (the kind you eat, although we have a lot of chipped dishes too!) But he makes such a big mess with them that he can't have them very often. I am sure you would be much neater, Mickey :)

  9. i used to have that same bowl!
    except i didn't chip it
    i broked it

    never heard of old dutch chips
    too bad your mom didn't share

    chin scritches
    ~uncle mo

  10. It is amazing how many people have the same stoneware, mine has a green circle and I have a chipped bowl. Did you get some chips, my cat use to like it when I crumbled them up in little pieces.

  11. I hope you get some chips inside your tummy!

  12. Mmm, chips! Those look good.

    Some of our bowls are chipped, too. We're kinda protective of the sets that aren't.

  13. We don't eat chips. :)

    Hey - we have little crystal/glass bowls. Mom gets them at the op shop for a dollar each.

    We have things served up on our real fake silver tray that mom got at the op shop for $2.

  14. Oh, and mom does not have her thinking cap on - that was from the topcatrules girls, Tigger and Trixie and Pyewacket.

  15. Hi - I have all the Hamish Macbeth books and all the Agatha Raison ones too.

    I just had to replace Death of a Nag as someone borrowed it, and didn't return it.

    It was going for $50 or more, so I was lucky to get a copy for about AUD$20 including postage, from the US recently.

  16. When my mom eats flavored potato chips, I make her hold one for me while I lick a little of the flavoring off of it. Yum!
