
Monday, 29 June 2009

Mancat Monday

Hello friends. I am getting ready to fly to see my beautiful fiancee Peachykins!
There is much we have to discuss. A wedding, to be exact!
Gotta go!! See you soon.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Friday Close Ups

Close ups?? Must be Friday!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!




On the spider front, Mom went out on the deck tonight.
She did not see the spider.
Now, she is afraid to go on the deck!! Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!

Thursday, 25 June 2009

The Return of Mom's Terror

Tillie: Guess what friends??? The BIG spider is back!!!
Well, him or one of his kin, and Mom is scared!!
She does not like spiders,especially BIG ones.
The downside of living just outside the city.
Purrsonaly, I like bugs.They're tasty,heehee

Mom noticed the spider on the outdoor lamp.

No wonder he likes it there,the light attracts bugs.
They even get inside the light! They must be vacuumed out.
You can see them by the blue arrow.
Mom recommends downward hanging lights,not
upward ones like we have.

I bet that spider is toasty warm too!!

Just waiting for dinner.
Wolf spiders hunt their dinner,they do not have webs.

This guy must have had a fight,he is missing a leg.
You can see where it should be ,from the arrow.
I don't think it slows him down any!!
Now,Mom wants him to go far away!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Another Rainy Day

*** We do not know why this did NOT auto-post!!!!!

Tillie : It is raining again today!
It started raining Saturday night.

Mom,is it going to stop anytime soon?

It makes it hard to watch birdies and squirrels!

The rain is making Georgia sleepy.

Mickey: Mom is outside on the deck taking my picture.
While you're out there,why don't you clean the windows?
There is plenty of water out there,heehee

Monday, 22 June 2009

Mancat Monday

My friends,I want to say Thank You , for your purrs!
Your purrs will keep me well ,I am sure of it.
Therefore, I will not dwell on it anymore.

I will think about my wedding to Miss Peach instead.

I look out the window and I see rain.

That's OK. Mom is sharing her ice cream!!
I love being spoiled,heh,heh,heh!

Sunday, 21 June 2009

What Mom Saw

Yesterday, it was really windy and cloudy.
Mom thought it would be good to do yardwork
as there would not be any pesky mosquitoes!!
When she went out, she saw this on the deck railing!

On another part of the deck ,she saw another one.

What are they???

Baby spiders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at how they cuddle.
They won't be so friendly to each other in a few days,heehee

Mom also saw this little spider on the window.
When it saw Mom,it started to drag it's prey away from her.
I don't think Mom would have wanted it though!

If you look very carefully, you can see the spider's HUGE eyes!!!

She says it is a Jumping Spider.

As for me, I was remembering a day or so ago when it was sunny.

I was relaxing is glorious sunbeams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, it is pouring rain!!!!
Mom! What happened to the sun???????????

Friday, 19 June 2009

International Box Day

Tillie: I have a nice BIG box to sleep in.

I must admit,I like this box best!!!!!!!!

Georgia: Sunshine and boxes go well together!!

I just love the sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mickey: This box is a nice size for me.

But it is way more fun to try and sleep in this box!!!!

PeeEss: Thanks to all you wonderful kitties and friends for your kind words!!!!

We will be visiting all of you this weekend!!!!! PURRS!!!!!!

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Happy to be Home

Guess what?? Mickey is home and he still has his teeth!

Yeah!! His liver is not doing so good,

so they did not want to do an operation.

He seems pretty happy though!!!

Moms worry a lot, guess that's their job!
My liver may be sick,but I still feel OK.
Right now, I feel fine and happy to be home.
I have a wedding to do you know!!!!!!
Thank you all for your purrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My appetite for grass is a healthy as it ever was!
Come on Mom...hurry up with that grass!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Vets and Teeth

UPDATE: Mickey's Mom here. Sorry for the late update.
Mickey did NOT have his teeth done. The Vet said his liver values are up again.
She is reluctant to do a major procedure at this time as he may have a looming liver issue.
We are treating him with Denosyl(liver support) and Baytril to ensure there is no infection in his teeth.We will keep monitoring him.
Mickey is doing quite well and is eating his food and crunchies.
He is glad to be home and is his happy self.
Mickey is happy, his Mom is a bit concerned ;)

Friends, Mickey is having his teeth cleaned today.
We do not know yet if he will be having any removed.

We hope you will say some purrs for him.

We will update later this evening.

Purrs to you brofur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 15 June 2009

Finally...Mancat Monday

It may be late,but here I am!!!!!!

Yesterday, Mom, Mrs Quilter and Mr Quilter went on an adventure .

It must have been quite an ordeal as Mom did not help me post.

She should have had some cat naps,heehee!!

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Easy Like Sunny Sunday

Tillie: Oh boy!! It is nice to see the sun after 3 days of rain!
I am sitting on the porch,listening to all the outdoor sounds.

Oooooooooooo!! What was that sound???

Georgia: I am enjoying the day by having a little nap.

The warm sun makes me feel sleepy.
Zzzzzzzzz :)

I am waiting for some grass.
Mom is working on the garden.

Mickey: I had my grass!!!!!!
Now I can enjoy a nice snooze in this warm sun!!
You can see a little of my belly where I was shaved
for my ultrasound.

Oh how I love sunshine!!!!!!

Friday, 12 June 2009

Friday Close Ups

We hope you enjoy our close ups this week.



Note from Mom: Due to a scheduling issue,
Mickey will be getting his teeth done next week.