
Monday 24 August 2009

2nd Blogoversary!!!!

Guess what??? We are celebrating today!

That's right Tillie!!
We are celebrating our 2nd Blogoversary!!!
Can you believe it?? Two years!!!!

That is so great.
The best part of blogging has been
all the wonderful friends we have made
that live all around the world!!!!



  1. Happy 2nd Blogoversary to all of you!!! This is wonderful~!

  2. Happy Blogoversary! We're so glad you blog and we got to meet you!

  3. A happy 2nd blogoversary to all of you, including your human staff. Congratulations and well done. We know what you mean about getting to know so many good cats and their humans through blogging.

  4. Woo hoo! Happy 2nd Blogoversary! I brought some home grown nip to celebrate!!! We are very happy you are our furriends.

  5. You guys havin' a party? We brought some ham and tuna juice with a little 'nip on the side. Let's boogie on down☺

  6. Happy 2nd Blogoversary!!!! I have ham to help you celebrate!!!

  7. Congratulations! How time flies.

  8. My most beloved Moonshine! How wonderful the day when we first meet two years ago. It has been such a wonderful you and the beautiful sisters are celebrating a Blogoversary! I wish you many more...
    You are the sweetest most handsome mancat any old girl ever could hope to go throught the rest of her days with...thank you for asking my paw in marriage. it will be a wonderful autumn for us...
    Your adoring Sunshine XOXOXOXOX

  9. Happy Blogoversary to our wonderful friends! Concatulations!!!:):)

  10. Happy blogaversary kitties! I'm happy to see that you did not get blown away by the hurricane.

    Huffle Mawson

  11. Happy Happy 2 year Blogoversary!!!

  12. wow 2 yers we did 3 in july and furgot it lol WELL happy 2and bloggy yer

  13. * woo hoo*

    Happy #2!!!


    Be glad yur Momma remembered -- ours furgot ours!


  14. Happy Blogoversary, Mickey, Tillie and Georgia! We're so happy to have met you!

  15. Happy 2nd Blogoversary,
    we are so happy to meet you in bloggieworld :)))))

  16. Congratulations on your 2nd Blogoversary! Two years is a big accomplishment.

    And we're happy to have met you as well - it is true that you get to make new friends of all sorts all over the world.

  17. A very happy second blogoversary to you!!! Time flies, right? We are so happy that you are part of the blogosphere and your pictures today are extremely cute!!!
    Have a wonderful blogoversary party!

  18. How pawsome! Happy 2 year Blogoversary!! We is furry happy to know yoo all too.

    Hai Georgia, I has room on my boy beans bed, want to come over and nap wif me?

    ~ Shadow ~

  19. Woohoo! We don't get to comment a lot since mom's been so bizzy but we just had to tell yoo guys CONCATULATIONS!

  20. Happy happy blogoversary!! If you're having a party, we'll be right over with some extra treats and 'nip! :D

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  21. happy blogoversary!! we are so glad you started blogging so we could all become friends. what a wonderful community we have because of kitties and beans like you.

    we hope you get extra treats, toys, snuggles and hugs today

  22. Happy 2nd Blogoversary to all of you!
    Enjoy !

  23. Happy 2nd Blogoversary to my very sweet friends....Hugs

  24. A Very Happy 2nd Blogoversary to you all!

    Have a wonderful day!

    Whicky Wuudler & family

  25. Happy, happy blogoversary, Mickey, Tillie and Georgia!!!

  26. Happy 2nd blogoversary, kids! We're so glad you're here!

  27. Well, firstly I am super glad you survived the hurrycane. That was a lot of rain! I know you napped a lot, we had rain on the week-end and I napped right through it!

    Happy snappy Blogoversary to you three. We are so glad to know you and have you for friends.
    Love always, Prinnie

  28. Happy 2nd blogoversary to all of you!

  29. Happee blogoversary dear friends!

  30. Happy Blogoversary!! We are so glad that you blog and that we got to meet you all.

  31. Concatulations! I am very proud to be your pal, Mickey!

    Purrs and paws, Halloween

  32. Wow, Happy 2nd Blogoversary to you! China Cat & I hope that you have the loveliest day and we are both so glad to have met all of you, Mickey, Georgia and Tillie!

    China Cat brought over some delicious ham for you and I brought over my favorite oven roasted chicken to celebrate. We hope that you will enjoy them!

    Purrrrrrrrs, Willow

  33. Happy Blogoversary!! Hope you had a wonderful celebration!

  34. Happy Blogoversary! I am glad that you started blogging so I could meet you and share in your lives.

  35. Happy 2nd Blogoversary!!!!!

    You look so surprised, Tillie!

    We're so glad you guys are around, even if we don't get around to visit our friends so often anymore!


  36. Sorry to be so late in wishing you all the furry happiest of Blogaversaries!!!!!!

    Purrs and Hugs,
    Pearl, Bert and Jake

  37. Hey, happy 2nd blogiversary to you all. Keep on bloggin'!!

  38. Happy 2. blogoversary!!!
    We hope you had a great day!!!
    We are glad to meet you !
    Luna, Luzie and Olli

  39. Congratulations on 2 years! That is a wonderful accomplishment! We wish you many more years of wonderful posts

  40. Happy Blogoversary.It's great to meet so many nice kitties. Even though they miss Muffin everyone has been very welcoming to me.
    Did you make it through the hurricane okay? We heard part of Nova Scotia had damage.Mommy went through three hurricanes when she lived in Connecticut and has been through six down here in Florida.
    They are very scary storms.


  41. Happy Blogoversary to three most adorable kitties.

  42. Happy 2nd Blogoversary Furcousins!

    Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike

  43. Oh my gosh! I missed it!
    Congrats on your 2 years! My mom is just worthless and won't let me keep up with my blogging....what am I to do.
    Hope you all had a great day!

  44. Yep Yep I missed it but wanted to
    wish you a happy 2nd Blogoversary
    Your friends Spooky Do, Daisy, Aniwa,
    Shadow, Nelly and Anakin!
