
Sunday 23 August 2009

Uneasy Sunday

Tillie : We are a bit uneasy today.
That's because Mom said a hurricane is coming.
It is passing by, but will leave tons of rain and wind!!

Georgia: It's already starting to look pretty cloudy. Windy too!!
We better make sure the Temptations and our foods are in a safe ,dry place!

Mickey: Oooooooooo!!! I am not crazy about this hurricane!
I'm glad we are indoors!! That wind would blow me away!
Gee, I hope the power does not go out!!
Well,I gotta go now!! I have to keep an eye on this storm.

This hurricane is BIG!!

It's going to pass pretty close to us!


  1. Hi Mickey! Wow. A hurricane. You better stay under the bed or snuggled up next to the people. I am sure they will take good care of you.

    Purrs, Halloween

  2. Wow! Stay dry and warm! And well. We will think good thoughts that you don't get too much win and weather!

  3. Stay safe and indoors during the hurricane.

    It really does look it's projected close to your home (much closer than it is getting to NYC, for example). Sending good, safe, thoughts.

  4. It looks like Bill is going to pay you a visit, or at least get close to you. Stay inside and safe. I hope you don't get too much rain and wind.

  5. I hope you are safe, my friends.

  6. We are sending big purrs and prayers that the hurricane will calm down and move away from you! Stay safe!

  7. If Bill knocks, don't answer!
    Stay safe, OK?

  8. Please stay safe kitties! And mum too.

    Huffle Mawson

  9. Oh no! We hope Bill doesn't hurt you! Stay safe!

  10. "Oh My" Please stay warm and safe...Hugs

  11. We hates hurricanes! Stay safe, my friends.

  12. We're praying that you stay safe and the food and treats stay dry.

  13. WE saw that hurricane on the news. Stay dry and safe, ok? And make sure you keep your treats safe too!

  14. We're purring that you're all safe from Bill! That's a scary looking storm! Please be safe.

  15. Oops........
    Take care and stay all in the house
    I had heard it from blogfriends on the Bahama's.... I didn't now your also on that line :(
    We purr and pray for a safe visit from Bill ....
    Take care my friends !!

  16. Eeekies! At least it's not supposed to go *over* you, but golly, that's gonna pass really close by. You kitties and beans please stay safe, and let us know how you are as soon as you can.

    We hope no 'lectricity goes out and that there are no serious injuries or damages from Mr. Bill.

    Sending our purrs your way...

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  17. We hopes all of you safes furry safe and that there is no damages...


  18. Oh boy i love to watch storms! We think they're fun! especially hail, we like to chase it through the window and whap whap whap!!!!

  19. Stay safe, Mickey, Georgia, Tillie and beans! I hope you don't lose power, and that you don't have any damage from the high winds.

  20. OMG! A hurricane?
    I hope you are well =)
