
Monday, 27 September 2010

Mancat Monday

Hi friends. I would like to thank you for the wonderful Gotcha Day wishes!
Can you believe that Mom forgot???????
No matter, she made it up by spoiling me! 

We had a few problems uploading our pictures.
We will do a post  later this week.

Want to see what Tillie is up to??
 See her at House Panthers !!

Friday, 24 September 2010

Friday Close Ups

Oh boy!! Another Friday and we have close ups!!
We made Mom work for them this week, heehee
We hope you all have a fun weekend!!!!!







Monday, 20 September 2010

Mancat Monday

Happy Monday friends!
I am enjoyong some sunshine.
It will not last , as there are clouds in the sky! Darn!!

While I am here I will do a quick check outside.
Good, I do not see any threats out there.

That means I can relax and absorb those warm rays.

The sun feels good on these old bones.
I think I will have a little nap.

Ah sunshine!!!
The miracle rays that make you feel good and happy!!
Hope you find some rays to brighten your day!!!

Friday, 17 September 2010

Friday Close Ups

Oh boy!!! It's finally Friday and that means Mom time!!
It has been a busy week for Mom.She is looking forward to downtime.
We are looking forward to scritches, heehee
We are also looking forward to trying on some pirate costumes.
I think we will all be satisfied !!







Monday, 13 September 2010

Mancat Monday

Hi friends! You know, this month has not gotten off to a good start!
First we had hurricane Earl causing trouble,
then our water heater broke!
Mom was busy getting that looked after,so we have not been able to visit you.

Mom was out a lot on the weekend too.
I think I will need to have a talk to Mom.
I think she needs to be a bit more organized,heehee.
Hmmm, what is she doing now??
Guess there is still some cleanup to do .

With Mom,you never know, but at least we have had some sunshine.
It feels pretty good on my furs too.
I think I will enjoy this for a while then go have a nap.

Want to know what Tillie is up to??
Go over to House Panthers and see!!

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Goodbye Earl!!

Hey friends... we;re back!!!!!
Mom got home Wednesday,then worked Thursday & Friday.
Then Saturday, we had a BIG storm!!!
Hurricane Earl stopped by for a visit.
He was a strong Tropical Storm by the time he
got to our place,but he still made a mess.
I don't think Mom will invite him back.
He was not a nice guest!! He knocked our power our
for 27 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At night is was super dark !

Mom saw this branch out of a window.
You can see that the wind was still blowing,because of the blurry leaves.

Then, this tree blew over!!!!!!

You can see the roots!
Because there is a lot of bedrock, the roots grow very
close to the surface of the ground.
That makes them good targets for hurricanes and big windy storms.

The next day, Mom's sister and her husband came over to help clean up.
They have a chainsaw, and it got lots of work,heehee

That was a BIG beech tree!!!!!!!!!

Mom's sister moving some branches to the other side of the deck.
There is still lots to clean up, and it will take some time.
We are lucky no real damage was done.

Friday, 3 September 2010

Friday Close Ups

We are pretty happy today.
That's because Mom is home and the scritches are plentiful!!
We hope you are all having a happy day too !!!






JoyJoy (admiring his floof)