Hey friends... we;re back!!!!!
Mom got home Wednesday,then worked Thursday & Friday.
Then Saturday, we had a BIG storm!!!
Hurricane Earl stopped by for a visit.
He was a strong Tropical Storm by the time he
got to our place,but he still made a mess.
I don't think Mom will invite him back.
He was not a nice guest!! He knocked our power our
for 27 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At night is was super dark !

Mom saw this branch out of a window.
You can see that the wind was still blowing,because of the blurry leaves.

Then, this tree blew over!!!!!!

You can see the roots!
Because there is a lot of bedrock, the roots grow very
close to the surface of the ground.
That makes them good targets for hurricanes and big windy storms.

They have a chainsaw, and it got lots of work,heehee

That was a BIG beech tree!!!!!!!!!

Mom's sister moving some branches to the other side of the deck.
There is still lots to clean up, and it will take some time.
We are lucky no real damage was done.