
Friday 12 October 2012

Finally Friday

Well, it's Friday again and we are happy. It has been a 
cool week with rain and  some sun. Saturday will be
sunny but cold! Then the rain will return. Good thing
 we are indoor kitties as we do not worry  about the
weather. We only want the sunbeams for our furs.
Last weekend when Mom went  to visit another sister,
Auntie I,for Thanksgiving, she got to meet the newest
member of the family.

This little four month old cutie is Black Betty !

Here she is walking with her Dad,Mom's brother-in-law's brother.
She is going to her pen for a little exercise.

Black Betty likes to run around! That is probably because she was in  
transport for almost a week to get to her new home!
She loves it here and loves her dad.

This fine fellow is also boarding at the same farm.
He has his own pen to romp around.

Mom saw a little barn kitty who was very shy.
Mom was not able to get close to her.

Mom is happy Saturday will not be rainy because she
and Auntie N are going to  Nocturne again ! She said 
they enjoyed it last year and this years events also look 
exciting. It will be cool so they will have to dress warm.
October 13 is also our Grammie's birthday!
She will be 88 years young!

We hope you all fave a fun  weekend, 
maybe an exciting one too! heehee


  1. Great post! We loved the pictures of you kittes and the horsies too :) xoxo

  2. Hi Georgia!

    Wow, Black Betty is beautiful! Thank you for introducing us to her. :)

    We love all the great pictures in today's post.

  3. Georgia...firstly my mom is Tortie crazy so she is drooling over your beauty. BUT she also loved seeing the horses too. xoxoxox

  4. Black Betty is very cute! And she is practically still a baby! What do they call young horses? Horsies?

  5. What great pics! Black Betty is adorable. Happy Friday, furriends.

  6. We admire the two horses, but we really like the barn cat -- a pretty calico. Happy birthday to your Grammie!

  7. Five nice animals in one blog! Two horsies (we don't get to see them very often) and a cute calico. Thank you for sharing these lovely creatures. And, it goes without saying, thank you for sharing YOU two, too. That's five!

  8. Is it really gonna be sunny on Saturday? Oh, I sure do hope so. 'Cause if it's sunny for you it might be sunny for me, too. The peep didn't get her daffodils planted last weekend like she wanted so then she said she'd do it today... Friday... but now it's gonna rain. I really hope she can plant them 'cause otherwise I'm gonna have such a grumpy ol' peep on my paws. Know what I mean?

  9. The running horse photo was very nice, but I especially liked the photo of the barn cat. That was a great shot of her!

  10. You know our mom's first love was and always will be horses, right? :-)

    So she especially enjoyed the pictures!

    have a great weekend!

  11. What handsome horses. They love barn cats! We want to wish your Grammie a Happy Birthday.

  12. Hello pretty one! Hey, that Black Betty is very pretty...and wuick too!

  13. We love seeing the horsies! Black Betty is beautiful!!

    Have a great weekend!!

  14. Happy birthday to your Grammie! How many cat years is that?

    Have a great weekend everybody!
