
Monday 15 October 2012

Nocturne Musings with Georgia

Hi friends. It's Monday again and that means Mom is going to work.
It also means I cannot spend the day on the porch. Darn!
Oh well, it is going to rain today, so I may as well find a cozy
spot in the house.

Saturday night, Mom and her sister (Aunty N ) went out to
an event called Nocturne (Art at Night). It was a pretty cool
night, but they dressed warm and had lots of fun.
One of the first events they saw was a group of fire dancers.

This girl has a flaming hula hoop !

Gee!! She did not even burn herself!!

The performance was very good and ended with the finale below.
The guy with the fire was the fire eater. You can see him
 making huge flames by expelling an accelerant. Hopefully a safe one 
for him to have in his mouth  !! It does make a great show though! 

 On the waterfront, there was a movie exploring the isolation 
and enormity of the sea. 

 The screen was two small containers on a barge on the harbour.

Maybe another day I will show a few more pics.
 Tillie also has some Nocturne pics.
Pop over and see them at House Panthers !


  1. That looks like a really cool event!!

    We hope you find a cozy spot to nap, Georgia!!

  2. All that fire would make me nervous! I would be afraid of singeing my coat!

  3. Humans sure do a lot of stuff to entertain themselves.

    Sitting in a cozy spot for most of the day is the best activity!

  4. That looks as though it was a great event to visit.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. That flame hoop is impressive! I hope you have a very special week sweetie!

  6. Looks like a really fun event!

    Stay cozy, Georgia!

  7. Georgia that looked like a very cool thing to see!

    ✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.

  8. Nocturne looks like a lot of fun. We have events like that, too, with fire dancing, video projection, etc. Nice that you were able to you and enjoy it :)

  9. That looks like a fun night out!

  10. That looks like great fun! Hope you enjoyed your snooze - indoors.

  11. That looks like a wild event! We hope you had a good inside snooze. :)

  12. Looks like quite the great event, indoors is grand but you should still vent.

  13. Boo to no porch time. Woah those are amazing pictures. Looks like your mom and auntie had a great night out
