
Friday, 30 November 2012

Finally Friday

Tillie: Oh dear, the sun seems to have gone away.

Oooo yeah, a good stretch!! I must go see about that sunshine!

Well, I don't see it out the kitchen window .

Nope,not out the other window either!

Gee, I guess the clouds have hidden the sun.
What should I do now?

 Georgia: Sleep Tillie. Just sleep.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :)

Today is the last day of  Mom's staycation. We loved having her 
home and she liked being with us! She will work for 2 weeks 
have another week off !!! We can't wait !

We purr you all have a fun  weekend !!


  1. We are bummed here too because our sun puddles also went away!

  2. All you kittehz head over to Oklahoma! We've been having lots of sunshine!

  3. We're freezing our furry butts off here this morning! But we do have sunshine. LOL.

    Happy Friday, have a great weekend.

  4. Hi girls! We've been having high clouds the last few days but still it's too warm here. Oh well. When in doubt, take a nap, is what I say! Have a fun weekend!

  5. we bee glad everee one hada grate time with yur mom home...reelly glad ya dinna see any stoooooooopid N rood burds when ya looked out de windows...happee yur mom egts another staycayshun...N we hope ewe all haza grate week oh end az well !!!

  6. Sleeping sounds like a great way to spend the day without sun. We're having big rainstorms here right now and napping would be nice (if one of us didn't have to go to work).

  7. Tillie you have such a glorious sleek shiny coat and Georgia we think your idea of a nap is a good one.

  8. Georgia has the right idea! Of course, we would sleep even if the sun was out!

    Have a great weekend!!

  9. We sure do like Georgia's idea! Maybe when you wake up, the sun will be back. :)

    We are glad you had fun during mom's staycation. We hope the time goes by quickly while you wait for her next one!

  10. Snnozing is a great option, have fun!

  11. Moms are the best to have with us all of our waking moments. Not so good if we are sleeping and the moms start to kiss us!

  12. I don't like it when my sunpuddles go away. I complain to the lady because I'm sure she should be able to fix the problem!
