
Monday, 3 December 2012

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia : This Monday is a rainy day,though it is warmer than
 it was on Saturday. It was sunny but cold. Sunday was cloudy
and Mom was off once again doing her annual Tea and Tour
with her sister.
 As it is cozy on the porch when it is sunny, we are 
showing how much we like the porch.
and Mom thought it was cute. 

Well,Tillie is NOT the only kitty who can do that and look cute.

 Tiger also enjoyed the sun,

and wanted to let you know she likes to sleep in places
other than her box.

 My silly sisfur Tillie appears to find plastic tasty!

 As the newest kitty around here, Julie still likes to keep an eye
on Mom and her flashy box. She will probably get over that soon,

 JJ likes to have a bath in the warm sun.

Treasure wanders about in search of a good spot.

He likes to be on the ledge too.

So there you have some of our cozy spots on the porch.
If you would like to see more Tillie and Julie,
pop over to House Panthers.


  1. Such a beautiful photo of Julie.

  2. You are are super beautiful!
    Thought I'd stop by and say Hello!
    xoxoxo Jewelgirls Katz ♥

  3. Oh such gorgeous kids you are! We will take a page out of Parker's book and say smoochies!

  4. Your porch has lots of cozy spots!!

  5. You lucky kitties, enjoying the sun puddles! We had rain all weekend!

  6. So many wonderful photos today. It makes Mondays more fun!

    The Chans

  7. You have a wonderful porch. And we had rain all weekend, so you're doubly lucky to have had sunshine!

    We wish you all a good week ahead.

  8. We love to nap in the sunshine too - sunny naps are the best kind.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Y'all are sure looking cute! Have a mighty fine week!

  10. meowloz everee one N a merry mackeral monday two ewe all !!!

  11. We love the peep-hole photo! It's great to have so many cozy spots to nap.

  12. Adorable!! Just adorable! Purrs...

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. YOu are so very beautiful, each and every one of you. A kitty lover's dream come true. My mommy is especially glad she has me to love on becaause looking at you makes her reach for me. I get so many darned kisses.

  15. We like that picture of Georgia peering through the hole in the box! And Julie looks so lovely in that pose.

  16. Hi Georgia! I see you, you pretty girl!!

  17. Very nice photos of your kitties.
    I like the peeking through the hole in the box.

  18. Soaking up the sun sounds lovely! You're all so beautiful!! :)

  19. my beloved kitty in laws...I wanted to stop over for a little snuggle in the sunshine with all of you. mommy has been so sad this last week with all that has happened in the CB. But we do have hope that things will once again be on the smiling up side soon. we think of you all Julie is looking beautiful!
    sending Christmas love and good cheer to all of you from the cozy cottage family

  20. We love how the change in Julie. She is truly (always has been) a gorgeous girl! Enjoy your sunbeams.

  21. Just look at all those sunpuddles on your porch, sweet kittehs! Enjoy them! :)

  22. Aw, you guys are having such a great day - too bad today was rainy and cool, we dealt with it by snoozing.


  23. Very elegant, and nice photos!!!
    You all look very easy and comfy.
    We don't have good weather this week either, hope the sun comes out soon.

  24. Hi Furriends!!!!

    You all look fantastic and seem expert comfy bed finders!!!

    Keep warm!

  25. oh wow, SUN! Haven't had that for a few days now, and Mom turned on the electric blanket so I could nap warm on her side of our bed. I don't know if I would like having a sibling...have to think on that one
