
Friday, 23 November 2012

Finally Friday_Sunseekers Edition

We are really enjoying this Friday as it is sunny and warm!
Tomorow will be rainy and Sunday will be rainy and cold!
Today is all about the sun !!!

JJ is asking Julie if he can share the sunny spot.

Julie does not mind.

There is plenty of room.

 Tiger loves the sun on her furs,

and Tillie does too ! Those dark furs soak up that sunny heat.

Treasure likes the sun beating down on his neck.
He is probably thinking about where to have his nap.

We also got an award that makes us happy.
It is for multi - pet homes and as there are 6 of us we
guess we qualify. It was given to us by our furcousins
at Team Tabby!! Thanks guys!

We will pass this award on to :

 also any of you who do not have the award 
and have many furbabies!

Have a super fun weekend !


  1. Concatulations on that award, kittehz. Enjoy that sunshine, cuz if it's like here, tomorrow could be freezing! Happy Friday!

  2. Congratulations on your award. It's supposed to turn cold here this weekend and we're not looking forward to it.

  3. Concatulations on your award! And it is nice to see that Julie actually gets along with somebody! :)

  4. Enjoy your lovely weather! It's been glorious here too, but alas, it's all coming to end as of tomorrow.

    Well, only 5 or so months to go....LOL.

    Concats on the award and happy weekend to you all!

  5. Concats on your award and we hope you have a great weekend in the sunshine.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. I hope you all enjoy a sunpuddle filled weekend!

  7. Congratulations on the fun award and thank you so much for thinking of us!...So many beautiful photos of you guys looking happy in the sunbeams!...Happy holiday weekend, precious friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  8. Enjoy your sunshine! We got colder weather today...but there's still a little sun.

    That's a cool award! Congrats!!


  9. we noe R commint haz nothin ta due with
    yur post but we haz eated two manee piez
    and be sneekin over heer stead of werkin

    heerez a copee N paste

    hit it:

    burd day iz over but weez knot sad
    we eated noe burd N we bee trooly glad
     if ya haz sum pie ya can still cell a brate
    hope yur week oh end iz trooly sooper grate

    haza awesum week oh end, peace out N rock on

  10. hee hee...Tillie, we can see your red unnerwears in the sunlight!

  11. Suck up all the sun you can! It's pouring rain over here. Purrs...

  12. All of you look so happy sunbathing! We are all sun magnets here too. So we purrfectly understand. Have a great weekend.

  13. Looks like everyone is enjoying the sunshine. The pic with JJ and Julie sharing the spot, and the first one with Georgia, are exceptionally cute :)

  14. Those are really nice photos of the kitties enjoying the sun. Makes me feel all toasty.

  15. Georgia, you were right on! It is raining and cool. What happened to our lovely week of sunshine?

    Hope yur mom did not have to use that squirty bottle this weekend - are Julie and Tillie behaving?

  16. Hi kids, thank you for thinking of us and passing along the award :-) We hope you had a wonderful sunpuddle weekend!!!
