
Monday, 19 November 2012

Musings with Georgia and a bit of Drama

Georgia: So, there I was,just having a nice little relaxing nap
when Mom and her flashy box come along. "Let's do a photoshoot
she says." So I said,OK as long as it is quick.

I moved onto a chair with a window behind me.
 I like to challenge Mom and her camera, heehee.
It's the price she pays for disturbing me.

Mom then decided to take a profile picture. She likes the
curve of my cute nose!

Oh no!!!!!!!
Tillie and Julie are growling at each other again!!
Wonder if they will get together and fight!

Oh, I can't watch this!

Oh wait! Did Mom threaten with the squirty bottle???
I HAVE to watch this!!
Mom has used that bottle a few times already with those two girls! 
Hahahahaha !

Yeah, I'm watching you Tillie!!!

Yeah? Well I'm watching you too Julie!!

Tillie and Julie: Gulp!!!!!!! Let's growl later !!!

See Tillie and Julie on the porch!
They are silly House Panthers !


  1. We don't think we'd like that squirty bottle.

  2. NOOOOOO! Not the squirty bottle! We HATE that thing.

  3. I have never had a squirty bottle pointed at me, ever! That is because I am PERFECT!

    Not because my human doesn't use it...

  4. GIRLS! STOP THAT right NOW! Go curl up with one another.

  5. Georgia, you DO have a cute profile! Your two sisters really go at it hammer and tongs, don't they?

  6. That is one long-reaching squirty bottle. We'd have to pass on this tussle! MOL!

  7. Georgia, you are really very photogenic. And, a lovely profile.

    Tillie and Julie look a lot like me! I have a little white patch on my chest, too.

  8. Now don't give our Mum any silly ideas!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Girls! Girls! It's best to get along and avoid getting wet!!

  10. Oh my, I am glad we don't have one of those bottles here!

  11. Georgia is a very rounded kitteh!!!

  12. Hello, Georgia, I'm Quinn. And I think your profile is beautiful. And I'm even a girlcat.

  13. Smart, beautiful girls=we don't think we would like that squirty bottle either!!...Happy holiday week ahead, precious friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  14. Ha ha ha ha! My mom's trained Russell with one of those and all she has to do is make the squirty noise and he stops!

  15. Uh oh it's serious when the squirty bottle comes out!

  16. We don't have a squirty bottle, thank cod!

  17. My dearest family...I am so sad to hear of Huffle's passing on to the bridge...I remember how she danced at Miss Peach's wedding to handsome Mickey. These are hard sad days once again at the CB...we are thankful for our family and blessed that we have shared so much fun together...

  18. Those two panther girls are feisty indeed!

    Love the profile shot, Georgia!

    The Chans

  19. Now, girls. We have confidence that some day, SOME day, we'll all get along. And then, the squirty bottle will become sad and lonely because it'll never get used. Make the bottle lonely. Get along. Purrs...

  20. Uh-oh.. not the squirt bottle again! We aleasy hide under the bed when it comes out.

  21. Cute pictures! Sorry there is still so much kitty drama going on there. Hopefully it abates and the squirty bottle can go away.
