
Monday, 29 April 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Oh boy, we had a nice weekend. It started slow as it was 
cool and cloudy Saturday morning, but then the sun came out
and it stayed all weekend and it was warm too!!

It was so nice I left the kitchen window and went  to relax on
the porch. It was nice and warm there.

It made me feel sleepy, so I spent lots of time snoozing and relaxing

Treasure was enjoying the sunshine too.
He even posed for a picture!

 JJ is always happy to pose for pictures. I think he is a camera hog .

Do you like sunshine on black fur?
Then go to House Panthers and see Tillie and Julie
enjoying the sun!

Friday, 26 April 2013

Finally Friday

Today is a little rainy,but it will stop this afternoon.
Then it will start clearing so we can have a sunny and
warm weekend! We are all excited!
We have not done a Close Up Friday for a while so we
thought we would do one today!!
(The real reason...Mom was super lazy this week)




Tiger (you can't see me)



We purr you all have a fun weekend !!

Monday, 22 April 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: As you know, I like to sit in this nook in the 
brick wall. I have a nice view this way...

and I have a good view on this side.
I can see the whole living room and view the kitchen.
That is important when Mom goes in there!

 JJ likes to sit on the windowsill. He can see onto the porch behind him
He also watches the happenings in the livingroom.

Treasure is sitting on his special spot. Why is it special?
This is the spot where he eats his meals!
We all have our special spots and we always go to them at
meal times.

When Tiger is not sleeping on her heated pad, she likes to hang
out in the kitchen trying to convince Mom it is time for a meal.
She is not very successful, but she is very persistent!

How about going over to House Panthers!
You can see what Tillie and Julie are doing.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Finally Friday

 Georgia: For this Friday, I thought I would use a glam shot.
Because of the lighting  you cannot see my whiskers, 
but I DO have some!

Tillie was having a snooze in the morning sun, She is hoping for more
 this weekend, but she will have to wait until Sunday.

Julie is hoping to spend more time on the porch and getting
some more window wiffies. She just may get her wish!

 Tiger will be looking for cozy places to nap. That will not be hard
for her as she can sleep anywhere!

Sometimes Treasure is very nervous.Mom walks up to him
 and he bolts away.Maybe he thinks she is going to take him to
 the Vet again!!! He still remembers all the trips when he had an 
infection back in February.

JJ is another kitty looking for the sun! Again,he will have to wait 
until Sunday. In the meantime,he will  take up his post in
front of Mom's monitor so he can chase the "mouse"

Whatever your weather, we purr you all have a
really fun weekend !

Monday, 15 April 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Mom likes to take pictures of me in the early morning.
She says the light looks nice on my furs.

I am sure it looks nice,

but the best thing is that it feels nice!

JJ agrees that sunshine feels good.
It feels warm too.

Treasure simply enjoys sleeping.
Well,gee, we all do! Hahahaha!!

Julie got some wiffies. Tillie posed in my spot too.
Pop over to House Panthers and see.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Finally Friday

Georgia:Yesterday was sunny and today is sunny.Mom says that
 tonight it will be very messy with rain and snow! Then
it will rain on Saturday!!!!

All I care about is now!  It is sunny and the sunbeams feel so warm.

It is a purrfect day for a nap.

JJ: This week I helped Mom visit some of our friends.

Looks like some exciting things are going on with our friends.
Come on Mom, lets get visiting!

Um,,,Mom, you might want to check the weather.
Looks like tonight will be a good night to snuggle with us!

We purr you all have a super fun weekend !!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: What a nice weekend we had!
It was sunny and we got to go on the porch!
It was a little windy and coolish outside, but nice on the porch.

Hey JJ, it's pretty nice out here don't you think?

Yes Georgia it is. Lots to look at too.
Some things inside...

and some things outside. 

It is always nice to be on the porch. That means the cold days
of Winter are leaving and it will be really warm soon !

Oh hi Mom ! We don't mind you taking our picture as we 
are happy to be on the porch. The sun feels so good.

 Tiger also went on the porch this weekend.

She even enjoyed some rolling around on the floor!

Want to see more rolling around?
Pop over to House Panthers
and see Tillie and Julie!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Finally Friday

Georgia: Well, another Friday is here and we are happy.
Mom was working on a little project for work, so she
did not help us visit very much this week. We hope that 
will change over the weekend.
I was enjoying a little relax in my chair .

I even had a really good stretch.

 That felt so good!

Oh dear!  I think I hear trouble!
Must be Tillie and Julie at it again.

 Julie: Oh darn. That Tillie is staring at me.Is she going to chase me?

Tillie: There is Julie! I should chase her back into her room!

Are you talking to me?
What do you mean, "be good".
I am always good!

Sheesh !!

Have a fun and happy weekend !!!!

Monday, 1 April 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia:  MOM!!! Come quick, it snowed !!
Mom: What?! That's not what the weatherman said!!
Georgia: April Fools Mom ! Hahaha!!
Mom: Oh Georgia, you got me!!!!!

 Hahaha!! I like to tease Mom. We did not have snow for Easter, 
we had lots of sun and it was great!!  Mom did go away Friday and 
she came back Saturday. She went to visit Grammie and the 
other members of the family who went to Grammie's house
for Easter. It was nice and sunny and stayed sunny all weekend!!!
We got to spend lots of time on the porch!

JJ and I like to sit and look outside at all the wildlife.
It's great  for soaking up the sun too!

Julie and JJ enjoyed the sun in the kitchen window.
JJ likes to hang out with other kitties. He is a friendly boy.

Our oldest kitty, sister Tiger who is 16, likes to sleep a lot.
This weekend, she also enjoyed the sunbeams.

 Tillie got her black furs nice and hot by sunbathing in the window!
Mom would go up to her and put her hands on Tillie's hot fur.

Treasure enjoyed some time on the cozy porch too !!!
It was a purrfect weekend!
Good thing, because it is raining today and that is NOT
an April Fools joke. Darn! Mom is the only one 
who will be getting wet though, heehee.

Want to see more Tillie and Julie?
Pop over to House Panthers.