
Monday, 27 January 2014

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: OK, was  a nice sunny day on Sunday morning.
Mom says the sun will not last. It will get cloudy and then there
 will be snowflurries .

I hurried out to the porch to enjoy those nice warm rays!

Wait!! I hear somecat eating!

JJ!!! What did you get?

I have to check this out!

You didn't even save my a lick?

 Mom here:
 JJ was recently diagnosed as having Hyperthyroid.
So far, it is mild. Due to his soft/runny poop, I took him to the Vet.
That is a symptom of the disease.
He gets Metronidazole twice a day and Tapazole once a day.
He takes his pill in a bit of stinky goodness.
At night, I give all the kitties a bit of the stinky goodness.
They are upset as they did not get any in the  morning!

You know you want to see Julie's reaction!
Pop over to see her at House Panthers!


  1. Hello Georgia! I cannot think of a single good reason that your brother should be getting a treat that you don't get too. I think you and Julie should make some picket signs and go on strike!! JJ can have his medicine, of course, but you and your sisfur deserve a little serving of your own, sans medicine! There's no excuse for this kind of inequality! XOXOXO

  2. Georgia, we're glad you got to enjoy a little sun before it goes away. And we can't believe JJ didn't save you any food! Well, that's what hyper-T does to you! We hope the med helps JJ feel better.

  3. Georgia, we loved seeing more of your big feets...and maybe tonight you'll get ANOTHER treat?

  4. I hope the meds work out for JJ! I'm glad to see he eats them in his food - I won't eat meds in mine usually.

  5. We're glad to see you enjoyed a sunny day ! We hope that the drugs work for JJ. Purrs

  6. We hope that JJ carries on being good with the meds. Can we come and have some of your sunshine please?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. oh JJ, we hopes the pills work for you!!

    we had lots and lots of snow this morning - the mom called it a white out. and the temperature is 'posed to fall more than 30 degrees in the next couple of hours! YIKES!!

  8. As an FYI, it usually works better to give the hyper-t meds twice a day (split the dose). Not sure why your vet is doing only once a day. (Annie was hyper-t.)

    Note that blood platelets can fall when first on the medication, but usually return to normal after that.

    There's tons of good info, vet-written and other, re: hyper-t...good luck!

    Purrs from the boys.

  9. I think you should all get some of the good stuff morning and night. Only fair...


    PS. If you happen to spot that ol' sun again, tell him to visit me up here, okay? I'm missin' my sun puddles! purrs

  10. We do the same here when Cookie gets his twice a day supplement to keep his kidney function going. He gets it in stinky goodness and we get a little of that goodness (without meds) too - only fair!


  11. georgia...JJ wuz eatin....uh...BURD !!!! thats it...nastee burd...ewe due knot want any oh it

    dood....we toll julie ya had flounder...stix with this if ya can ...

  12. Suuny days without snow is sure a plus!

  13. It's nice to be able to enjoy the sun now and again.
    Hope the meds help your Hyper-T JJ.

  14. Georgia, we're glad you got some rays before they went away again, even if you did not get extra foods like JJ.

    We are purring and praying for JJ!

  15. There is nothing like nice sun puddles to warm the soul!!
    Purrs, Izzy

  16. Nice to get some sunshine while it lasts :)

    Sending healthy vibes for JJ!

  17. Wow, we wouldn't like just treats for one or two kitties, even if it was for a good cause. And if it was MMM, she would scarf down everyone else's.

  18. Nice sunshines.

    Hopefully the tapazole will keep JJ's thyroid levels in check. We were able to manage our cat on it for 4 years without any problems. We hid his pill in a little ball of cheese and he loved it. Treat time!

  19. Hi Georgia! You look beautiful as usual! I hope JJ's meds work out. Maybe you could get an extra treat for not getting extra food?

  20. Mieow Sweet Georgia! We sorry to hear 'bout JJ and de HyperT. But we know when Sunny waz sick he uze to get lottza stinky goodness! and when he announced to de mom he wanted hiz fudz "NOW' we all knew it waz time & we came a runnin too! ^.,^ x5 Enjoy your fudz and sunspotz

    an de mom wanted to say "Thank You" fur de kind wurdz & thoughtz fur Sunny ♥

  21. The Crew knows the feeling. I use treats to bribe cats into letting me pill them, and the healthy kitties don't understand why they don't get treats too

  22. JJ darling, Admiral had hyperthyroid too, and took methamizole. Her thyroid got under control. xoxoxo

  23. Georgia, you are so cute.

    I'm sure JJ will be fine as long as he takes his medicine. The lady had a kitty with hyperthyroid who lived for many years. Many cats seem to get it; not sure why.
