
Thursday, 23 January 2014

Thankful Thursday

Georgia: Guess what? Yesterday we had another blizzard!
It was kinda cool because Mom stayed home.
Good thing as work sent people home at lunchtime.
Problem is, because we live just outside the city, the buses
only run in the morning and evening(rush hours).
With the storm, they sometimes take the buses off the roads.
That happened with the last storm and Mom stayed home
then too. This time the buses were "paused" until visibility
improved. That would have been a long wait.
Mom was glad she stayed home with us !

This is a picture taken the night before the storm.
Tuesday night.

Wednesday during the storm.
Mom kept the birdfeeder clear of snow all day so the
birds could get the seeds.

Tuesday night.


 We kitties are thankful to be indoor cats!
We wish every critter had a safe and warm place to live.


  1. Wow, all we got here was a dusting, not even an inch. Sorry you got more snow. On the positive side, January is almost over!!

    (I know, pretty lame, but it's the best I could do!)


  2. Oh my, that is (yet another) big snowstorm there. On the plus side, lots of time at home with the kitties :)

  3. We are very glad that you are inside in all of that!

  4. Ugh, ugh, ugh! Will this brutal winter ever end?!

    We're glad you're mom stayed home!

  5. That's some bunch of snow you got. Glad your mom stayed home with you. The Boys here are also glad to be indoor kitties.

  6. brrrrr... here the temperature is a true hell: 40 ºC....

  7. Glad to hear your mom stayed at home with you kitties during the blizzard - where you could keep an eye on her!

    Good to see the sun today.


  8. we bee glad yur mom stayed home two....hope her iz still home now, safe N sound... N ya noe...if her getz board, her can all ways start a fish fry...seer up a few hundred perch N ewe guys R set til caturday !!!

  9. Wow, that's a lot of snow ! Keep warm and safe with your mom during the blizzard ! Purrs

  10. Yep, it's much better to watch that stuff than be out in it. Be safe and warm this weekend!

  11. That was lucky that your mum stayed home with you.

  12. We're sorry you had a blizzard...but how nice that you had your mom home with you!

  13. YIKES! That's a bunch of snow! Keep warm everyone!!!

  14. That was some crazy storm, wasn't it? Our dad and mom came home from work early on Tuesday, and boy were they glad they did. We're glad you all got extra time with Mom! :)

    Thank you so much for purring and praying for our Moosey. He seems to be feeling pretty good these past couple of days (his appetite is much better, and his energy level, too)... we're just waiting for those blood tests to come back to see where we go from here.


  15. Glad your mom stayed home with you , so she didn´t got stuck in town !
    Brrr , so much snow you got !
    Over here is most of it gone , but not the cold temperatures.

  16. Please don't send that snow our way!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  17. WOW! We stared a snow this morning but it fizzled out.

    Seeing your beautify; face was a treat to me this morning. xoxox

  18. We are with you Georgia. So glad to be insiders. Your Mom is so nice to help the birdies

  19. Hi Georgia,
    We sure are glad you get to stay inside where it's warm and dry.
    We wish we had bird feeder tv!
    the kitty brats

  20. Woah! That is some snow. I am glad people have the sense to stay home! Good for mum keeping the feeder clear - bird lives will be thanking her tonight!

