
Monday, 17 February 2014

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: It has been pretty cold this weekend.
Thursday and Friday we had BIG rain and wind.
Sunday we had freezing rain and some snow.
I miss the sunshine.

When it was sunny, I could go out on the porch.

I like curling up in the sunbeams.
I with the sun would come back and be warm!

Even JJ is wandering around looking for the sun.

He keeps looking at the porch door hoping the sun will be out there.

Treasure did not bother looking for the sun.

He figured it was cozy enough on the fleecy blankie.
He did see some bright spots, but no sun.
Mom says we might see the sun early in the week.
We want it now. We want warm too.
We want Spring!

What is Julie doing?

You can find out what Julie is doing
by going over to House Panthers.


  1. Paws crossed for some sunshine coming your way!

  2. We hope the sun makes an appearance for you real soon.

  3. A cat needs its sunpuddles! We understand, because we have had lots of crummy winter weather too.

  4. I hope you get your sun back. I hate it when it's not sunny!

  5. We sure wish we could send you some of our was 86 on the Catio today!

  6. We understand you miss the sun, it missed us too until today : it's shining warm and bright, and we hope you'll get a sun puddle too ! Purrs

  7. It's been a long winter for all of you. We hope the sunpuddles start showing up next week!

  8. It looks like Julie is showing off her tummy!! If you get some sun please send it to us when you've finished with it.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. iz knot sure wear de sun iz either guys but if we seez it we will send it yur way!

  10. We totally agree, let's go right to Spring!

  11. your floor makes me smile. I had the same one!

  12. I miss the sun too! Here it's not that cold, but there is this wet slush everywhere...

  13. We love sunshine, too. Hope you get some, soon!
    And we think Julie looks quite silly in that photo :)

  14. The sun came to visit me yesterday but the wind and rain is back again today. Like you, I wish Spring would hurry up and arrive.

  15. We have sun, Georgia! Come on over!

  16. Hello kitties, I hope you all had a fantastic Valentine's Day! I want to thank you so much for visiting me so often when I was, um, let's just say "indisposed." Your sweet comments always made me feel better! XOXOXOXO

  17. We had sun yesterday (Monday), but it was minus 20 or so along with it. Today it was about minus 10 to minus 15...with snow. More snow. Endless snow. We. Are. Stuck. In. Winter. H*ll.

  18. We understand, sweet friends. We hope it warms up for you (and us!) soon. Hugs!

  19. We hope you have lots of sunshine very soon.

    Where I live, we have a bit TOO MUCH sunshine right now. We need some rain!

  20. Hi furiends, I wish I could send you some of our endless sunpuddles! We would LOVE some rain! XOXOXO

  21. We want some sun as well~!!
    Purrs hoping you have great weather sooner~

  22. Darlings, the sun will be back soon and you will be enjoying all its puddles. xoxox
