
Friday, 21 February 2014

Finally Friday

Georgia: We have had a pretty good week here because
Mom did not chase us around with that flashy box!
It has been a messy week with some freezing rain,
snow and rain and we are having rain this evening!
Mom says we should have sun this weekend
 and temperatures around 7 C !!!
That is almost a heat wave compared to what we have had.
It means more porch time!

Julie and JJ  were talking last Saturday about what to do.

They decided to window gaze.
JJ took this window,

and saw these crows down the hill.
They were in our yard, but Mom scared them with her camera.

Julie took the other window in the kitchen.

  She looked out on the driveway side of the house.

 She saw these three Mourning doves sitting on a railing.
See how puffed up they are?
It was pretty cold last Saturday.

We hope to see some neat things this weekend if the
sun does come  out!
We purr you all have a fun weekend too !


  1. That's some great Bird TV you're watching.

  2. We do hope you get some nice sunshine this weekend. Sunshine makes Bird TV much nicer. :)

  3. I hope you get to see some good critters this weekend!

  4. Hi Julie, Georgia, did you enter my contest? You have to guess a day when our snow will melt. It's really fun. Please visit my blog and enter. Thank you furry much!

  5. You've got some great bird TV there and they look close enough to touch!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. My mom has been know to ruin primo bird tv with her camera, too, so I can totally sympathize. Maybe one of you can distract her when they show up again!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Glad you like the video. That's why mom put it up there. She just added the link for the wide screen version. You may want to watch it again as you might have missed something the first time.



  8. Oh me oh my we feel bad that we having the weather we are having. Well not right now because it's raining bucket fulls but we are 70 degrees warmer than you. It always boggles the mind that fact since we are on the same coast. Have a wonderful (SUNNY) Caturday.

  9. hope ewe guys haza BURD free sunny fun filled kinda week oh end....hope everee one haza pound oh perch filled one az well !!

  10. I sure hope your weekend is sunny and full of porch time!

  11. We think your Mom should've had a birdy friccassee for ya'll!
