
Monday, 24 February 2014

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: I am in the kitchen. I like to look out of the
windows. There is lots to see.

I like to check out all the smells too.

I must go to the next window for a different view.

Not too much going on.

I'll see if Mom left any goodies on the counter.

Nope! Back to the windows.

It is not sunny now, but we did get sunshine this weekend.
It was so nice and it was warmer than it has been.

However, as you can see out the window, it was not warm
enough to melt the snow. Now that it is Monday it is
getting cooler and we might see some flurries again.
No signs of Spring here.
Oh well. The weekend was good!

Julie enjoyed the sunshine too!
See her at House Panthers.


  1. Georgia--You are so beautiful. I think I love you.
    Mr. Black the cat.

  2. You have some great windows there, Georgia. You can see lots out there. :)

  3. Truly we can say DITTO. Only it did just warm enough to lose the white stuff. But we hear more is on the way. *heavy sigh*

  4. I really hope spring does not stay a stranger for too much longer!

  5. You have a great view even if it is way too cold!

  6. Bummer about no treats on the least the view was great!

  7. You lost us at "in the kitchen, but no treats on the counter". How terrible! Well, at least you can see out. We hope you get some warm temps and sunshine, soon!

  8. You forgot to check the sink for dirty dishes, MOL!


  9. It's nice to have a selection of windows to move between, isn't it?

    We don't know if it's the light in today's pics, Georgia, but your eyes look particularly beautiful!

    The Chans

  10. It's good that you got some lovely warm sunshine over the weekend. We hope Spring isn't too far away!

  11. Enjoy the sunshine while you can ladies and we hope you don't get too many snow flurries to slow down your spring sunshine.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  12. We love all your windows (natural light) and window sills, something our townhouse lacks.

    We're in another polar vortex this week, so imagine it could be headed to you too. Ugh. Enough's enough!

    Anyway, thank you so much for stopping by...We're not back to normal, but are starting to feel better, paws crossed.

  13. I hope the flurries just flurry on by!

  14. cranberreez georgia...we bee hopin yur mom haz sum piez a cookin ya coulda helped yur self two...ore at leest sum pork chopz !!

  15. Hi Georgia! It looks like you practically have a panoramic view!

  16. You have good views from your windows Georgia, but treats on the counter would have been nice.

  17. Georgia we just love all of those photos of you. YOUR coloring is so beautiful. It is good you have so many windows to look out of.

  18. What's on your kitty TV, gorgeous Georgia?...Stay warm, sweeties and happy Monday, dear friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  19. We had some meltin' goin' on up here in the valley but then today, it all froze again. Peep #1 said it was super slippery beside the car. I don't think she fell or anythin' but I am thinkin' that maybe she came close. I heard the word, MOUSES!


  20. What a wonderful set of corner windows you have to see thought. Too bad there weren't any treats left on the counters.

  21. the polar bear vortex is back here!! it's COLD

  22. Wow, Georgia, you sure have a great view thorough those windows. Too bad it's all cold and snowy right now, though. Don't fret! Spring is coming (eventually). :)

  23. Nice to get some warmth and sunshine, even if it isn't enough to melt the snow. Georgia looks great in those photos!

  24. Hello my sweet friends, Thank you for visiting me so much even though my Human (you know, the one that's less reliable than a labradoodle) has not been helping me visit hardly at all for weeks and weeks because of her stupid "j-o-b". Pfft! Tired, scmired. I have my social needs!!! XOXOXOXOX
