
Friday 28 November 2014

Finally Friday,Staycation Over

Georgia: Slurp,slurp.

Oh hi! We have been enjoying our week with Mom.
It's been great and we wish it would not end.
I got scritches and brushes and lots of Mom time!

JJ got to spend  time  with Mom fighting over space
on the desk and laying on the mouse and blocking
the monitor. He loved it!

Julie loved being in the kitchen window.

She pretty much follows Mom everywhere she goes.

Treasure had a great week too.
He likes checking all the food bowls.

Bonus! He found a crunchie that was left behind!
Hey! That's MY bowl. Did I miss that crunchie? Rats!

It was a good week and now it's the weekend.
We purr you all have a fun weekend !


  1. What a nice week you kitties had with your human!

  2. It does sound like a fantastic week. I'll be glad when the Male finds a job so he's not home all the time. I hate that.

  3. Awesome happy week at your place! You all are so good you deserved it!

  4. At least you've got two more days to make her do your bidding.


  5. Those staycations always seem to pass so quickly. We're glad you got lots of time with your human, though, and wish you all a great weekend.

  6. Don't let that crunchie treat get away from you Treasure.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Y'all sure had the best staycation!!!

  8. You have such lovely coloring, Georgia! Glad you all enjoyed your extra time with your momma.

  9. What a great week you all had with your mom. We bet you're looking forward to the next staycation!

  10. Sounds like you all had a great staycation.

  11. What a great staycation!

    Hope you have a terrific weekend!

  12. Glad you had a great week with your mom. Enjoy your weekend too.

  13. Billy, The Time Cat28 November 2014 at 17:39

    Wow, sounds like a lovely week!
    My mom is home now for 3 weeks, so I hope we have a great time together like you had
    Billy, The Time Cat

  14. Ah, Staycations are just the best. Sounds like yours was awesome! Purrs...

  15. We're glad you had that nice time to spend cuddling your Mom.
